What Makes the Wellness Institute for Neurodevelopment Different in Treatment of Autism?

[brid video=”136787″ player=”8620″ title=”What Makes the Wellness Institute for Neurodevelopment Different in Treatment of Autism”]Through Dr

Photo: Unsplash/@caleb_woods

Photo: Unsplash/@caleb_woods

[brid video=”136787″ player=”8620″ title=”What Makes the Wellness Institute for Neurodevelopment Different in Treatment of Autism”]Through Dr. Carmen Báez Franceschi’s expertise, the Wellness Institute of Neurodevelopment (WIN) has identified methodologies that make accurate diagnoses possible for patients with a history of inadequate treatments or poor results from other therapeutic options.

The Franceschi Method™ is an individualized treatment protocol that combines conventional with complementary medicine and integrates it into the therapy to stimulate the development of the brain using equipment and cutting-edge approaches.

The key to our success is found in our patient’s individualized treatment protocol.

Furthermore, we have 10 years of experience achieving life changing results due to our relentless advocacy for improvement in patients not only with developmental delays, but also gifted or talented. Everybody has a talent and part of our job is to identify it and enhance to its full potential.

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The Wellness Institute for Neurodevelopment has developed a unique approach to treatment of Autism that is delivering real results.

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