Arizona Latina Chosen To Design Dia de los Muertos Lottery Tickets

Artist Emily Costello has won the lottery! The Latina artist was chosen among several local artists by the Arizona Lottery to design a Dia de los Muertos-themed lottery tickets, which will be released during Hispanic Heritage Month


Photo: Instagram/@emcostelloart

Artist Emily Costello has won the lottery! The Latina artist was chosen among several local artists by the Arizona Lottery to design a Dia de los Muertos-themed lottery tickets, which will be released during Hispanic Heritage Month.

“When we started discussing it as a ticket we wanted to do, we thought this would be a great opportunity to both engage the artist community in Arizona and also celebrate Hispanic culture and Arizona’s unique Hispanic culture,” Gregg Edgar, executive director for the Arizona Lottery, told The Arizona Republic.

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This contest is pretty monumental as it’s the first time in the lottery’s 36 history to ever have an artist design lottery tickets.

“The thing that really struck me was she did a very good job of incorporating the Arizona thematic element into her designs,” Edgar told The Arizona Republic. “She encapsulated the concepts of the Dia de los Muertos perfectly and beautifully.”

According to the Arizona Lottery Inc. “Costello is a self-taught painter, printer and mixed media artist and her art is inspired by her Mexican heritage, its cultural icons, imagery and the events that have shaped her life. She has served on the board of Cultural Coalition and is a member of The Phoenix Fridas Arizona Latina Art Collective. She teaches youth art classes at Vision Kidz, the Phoenix Art Museum and Free Arts of Arizona for the Abused Children’s Professional Artist program.”

Costello, an incredible artist with rich and colorful artwork, said that much of pieces is an expression of her family and history.

“I was raised by my grandparents who both Mexican-Americans. My grandfather was born in Mexico actually,” Costello told The Arizona Republic. “The imagery, the culture and the way of living always reflected our heritage.”

We’re not quite sure what the tickets will look like, but here’s a little preview.

Costello also explained that each ticket will be quite different from the other, which means people are going to want to collect them all! If you love Day of the Dead these tickets will undoubtedly be collectors items. Now the real question is, will scratch off the tickets (thus ruining this collectors items) and see if you’ve hit the jackpot?

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art day of the dead empowerment hip latina hiplatina latina
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