Bekah Martinez Proves Why You Should Never Lie to Your Mom

Bekah Martinez, the 22-year-old contestant on “The Bachelor,” didn’t tell her parents she’d be featured on the reality show

Photo: Instagram/@bekah

Photo: Instagram/@bekah

Bekah Martinez, the 22-year-old contestant on “The Bachelor,” didn’t tell her parents she’d be featured on the reality show. She instead told them that she’d be working on a marijuana farm. But when her mother didn’t hear back from her daughter, she naturally filed a missing person’s report.

Bekah had informed her social media followers and friends that she’d be going off the grid for a couple of weeks, but didn’t give a reason why. “The Bachelor” is typically secretive throughout filming.

The mixup occurred when Bekah eventually called her mother, however, her mother told police via email that she had finally heard from her daughter. But somehow the news didn’t get communicated.  That’s why Bekah’s picture was never taken off a missing person’s report titled “Why does Humboldt County have the highest rate of missing persons reports in the state?

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According to People magazine, “On Dec. 12, a deputy sheriff contacted [Bekah]’s mother by email to inquire whether she had heard from [Bekah]. [Bekah’s] mother responded to the email confirming that [Bekah] had contacted her late in the afternoon on Nov. 18, and stated that she was headed home. The deputy requested [Bekah] to contact the investigator of the case as soon as possible…A deputy was not able to make direct contact with [Bekah], which explains why she was not removed from the Missing and Unidentified Persons System until this week.”

When people spotted Bekah in the lineup of missing people, the story blew up.

Bekah posted on Twitter: “MOM. how many times do I have to tell you I don’t get cell service on The Bachelor??” and playfully added “Honestly the scariest thing about this story is that my efforts to conceal The Worst Drivers License Photo Of All Time have been thwarted.”

So incredible that Bekah’s 15 minutes is not because she’s on “The Bachelor” but because she lied to her mom.

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