Julián Castro’s Incredible Presidential Debate Made Latinx Proud

“Adios, Trump

Julian Castro

Photo: Wikimedia/Gage Skidmore

Adios, Trump.”

With that short phrase, Julián Castro is now a household name. Last night at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, ten presidential candidates took the stage for the first Democratic debate and Castro surprised many viewers and also delivered poignant words that brought the message home that Donald Trump needs to go.

Castro’s impressive resume as the former San Antonio mayor and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary under the Obama Administration shined through last night. He spoke eloquently on important issues including climate change, gun law reform, health care, the economy, and immigration. He didn’t stumble on his words, and that confidence is why today, people are taking notice of Castro.

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It was clear on social media that people felt that Castro was the surprise winner of last night’s debate, which couldn’t come at a more perfect time. With so many important topics that affect all Americans, Castro — as the only Latino presidential candidate — represented his community with honor and grace. And, more importantly, like many of us, he is pissed off too.

When speaking about the tragic death of a father and daughter that died at the Rio Grande, Castro did not hold back. “I’m very proud that in April, I became the first candidate to put forward a comprehensive immigration plan. And we saw those images…watching that image of Oscar and his daughter, Valeria, is heartbreaking. It should also piss us all off. Oscar and Valeria went to a port of entry, and then they were denied the ability to make an asylum claim, so they got frustrated, and they tried to cross the river, and they died because of that.”

One of the best moments from the debate last night was during the candidates closing statements. Castro’s story resonated the importance of immigration in this country and that the American Dream is alive and well.

“Me llamo Julián Castro, y estoy postolando por presidente de los Estados Unidos,” he said. “The very fact that I can say that tonight shows the progress that we have made in this country. Like many of you, I know the promise of America. My grandmother came here when she was seven years old as an immigrant from Mexico, and just two generations later, one of her grandsons is serving in the United States Congress, and the other one is running for president of the United States. If I’m elected president, I will work hard every single day so that you and your family can get good health care, your child can get a good education, and that you can have good job opportunities, whether you live in a big city or a small town. And on January 20, 2021, we’ll say adios to Donald Trump.”

While Castro was the surprise winner, Sen. Elizabeth Warren was also strong at the debate. Her passion and knowledge about each topic came through and blew the rest out of the water.  The next round of debates airs tonight on NBC.

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2020 Presidential election Julián Castro news Politics
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