#Gratitude Sunday: 5 Ways to Feel More Grateful This Week

Sometimes we all need little ways to think more positively about our lives—so here are five ways to feel more grateful this week

Photo: Unsplash/@gabriellefaithhenderson

Photo: Unsplash/@gabriellefaithhenderson

Sometimes we all need little ways to think more positively about our lives—so here are five ways to feel more grateful this week.

Keep a gratitude journal: Write down a few things you feel grateful for at the end of every week, and then work up to doing it every few days, until eventually you have things to write down every. It will help you see even the small things you’re grateful for on a daily basis.


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Practice being present: It’s easy for us to get bogged down worrying about something we did in the past, or what the shape of our future will be. This isn’t to say that those modes of thought don’t require consideration, but we don’t want to needlessly ruminate. You want to make sure you’re enjoying what’s good about some of the moments that normally pass us by. Be mindful and be present.


Spend Time with Your Loved Ones: This may seem obvious, but one of the key signs of depression is withdrawal from social contact. Spending time with your friends and family can help engender a sense of gratitude. Also, remember to tell your loved ones why they matter to you!


Volunteer: Give back to a cause that you feel passionate about. It will make others grateful for your presence, and make you feel good about giving your time in a productive way. You can find a place in your community here.



Don’t shirk the negative: This may seem counterintuitive, but it is generally counterproductive to avoid the bad things that happen in our lives. If you find that you can reflect on negatives that have happened, and can grow from them, you’ll probably have a better sense of overcoming obstacles, and of strength.

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give back gratitude present Sunday ways to feel more grateful
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