Your Weekly Tarotscope for March 15 – March 21, 2020 Revealed

Theme of the Week:  VI of Wands I am seeing some major power plays this week

4 of Wands

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Week:  VI of Wands

I am seeing some major power plays this week. There are those of you who have received an extra boost of confidence in an area of your life where are you may not have had much, previously. Even if you’re not totally convinced that what you’re doing is the right thing, to everybody else, it looks like you know exactly what you’re doing and why. Although others may not understand your point of view, you should still believe in your choices. They are going to get you ahead, regardless of what anyone else thinks. You might feel like you have to explain yourself, but if you do, it’s more so out of courtesy. There’s also a little bit of jealousy coming your way, and it looks like it’s from someone quite unexpected. They want what you have. This could mean that they want you, your demeanor, or for many of you, it will be more a case of whatever it is they lack, you easily display or can achieve. They aren’t against you, they simply can’t wrap their head around why the “it” factor seems to come so naturally for you.



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Your Card: 8 of Pentacles


Pisces are you working hard, or hardly working? In Stephen King’s The Shining, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” I see that you are trying to stay focused and put in a discerned effort. That is great and it is what you need to be doing. But, you still need to take a break every once in a while. If you work and work and work, without taking the time to rest and recharge – Guess what? All of that hard work and effort you’re putting in is going to suffer. Your mental and physical health could begin to suffer. These are all very real things that you need to take seriously. Just as serious as whatever it is you are so dedicated to working on at this time. I’m not saying that you have to stop, but you do need to recognize when you need a breather. You won’t be sacrificing anything by taking a moment for yourself.




Your Card: The Fool


Aries, I’m seeing you’re ready to make moves. I feel like you’re very restless right now, therefore you just want to be in motion, even if it’s not something you’ve thought through yet. It’s more about the appeal of something new, exciting, and fresh. All you really need is one person who eggs you on or supports your shenanigans and that will be enough to convince you to just go for it. There’s nothing wrong with throwing caution to the wind once in a while. Sometimes, you have to just see what happens. I have to say though, I do you feel a sense of apprehension here. I don’t feel like you are apprehensive, but I feel apprehensive for you. There is some part of this that you really should take a second to think about. You don’t have to over-analyze what’s going on, but there are certain details that you should definitely consider. If you take a leap of faith now, don’t go in blind.




Your Card: The High Priestess


You’re hiding, Taurus. You don’t want others to see something about you, or for some of you, you’re denying something about yourself. You need to take a good, long look in the mirror. You need to accept yourself before you can expect others to accept you. There is no reason that you need to hide, you’re only convincing yourself that there is. It doesn’t matter if some people don’t get it, or fully understand. It only matters that you love yourself and everything that comes with you — the good, the bad, and the ugly. Then, the right people will come into your life to enhance that, rather than challenge it or try to make you feel less — than. Just because you’ve known someone for a long time doesn’t mean you need to put up with their BS forever. We go through phases in life and we’re not always the same person that we were a year ago, or 10 years ago. Sometimes you outgrow people, just like you outgrow hobbies or interests. It isn’t a bad thing and don’t look at it as something negative. Rather, take it as a sign that you are growing and evolving.




Your Card: 6 of Cups


Someone is bringing out your softer side, Gem. This is making you feel kind of warm and fuzzy inside. You may not be used to being coddled, or taken care of in this way. But it’s nice to let someone do more of the work sometimes. Let them do this for you. It is their pleasure, and it’s not something that you get to experience often. This is really an even exchange, regardless of how it may seem to you. There are no strings attached to this, so let go of the suspicion that there may be an expectation involved. The exchange is simply a giving and receiving one — which is a complete exchange of energy. Just as when you give money in order to receive goods, this is an even transaction. Take it for what it is, consider it complete, and just enjoy it. You may even find yourself wanting more.



Cancer Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: 5 of Wands


You’re not feeling on solid ground right now, Cancer. A lot is happening and swirling around you. You could feel a bit swept up in the chaos. But you have more power than you think. You are prepared for this. You’re ready to fight the good fight. Whatever it is that you want right now — whatever it is that you seek — you have the power to make it happen. If you want it, fight for it. You will win. You are on track, exactly where you’re supposed to be. There is something to be learned and gained from this experience, even though it feels really difficult. You have to go through this in order to level up. You will come out on top and the accolades will likely be even more than you expected. Your passion, drive, and determination throughout the past weeks, months, even years for some of you, are about to pay off in dividends. Stay motivated and inspired. Believe in yourself.



Leo Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: Knight of Swords


There is an African proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Right now, Leo, you’re trying to go fast. You want to go fast. But, I’m not sure that you really want to go alone. It looks like you are willing to try, though. If this isn’t something that you’ve attempted to do before, or if you have a habit of feeling incomplete without someone by your side, this is because you aren’t putting enough stock in yourself. If there was ever a time to invest in yourself and have complete and utter faith in yourself – it’s now. In fact, it’s now or never. All you have is today. No one else is going to do it for you. Be your own biggest fan, your own biggest supporter, your own biggest motivation. Go get it. Go now, and don’t look back. I’m feeling like this is a really poignant time for you. This is a period that can change a lot and make a huge difference in your life. If you’re tired of being stuck and in the same old thing, this is when you need to make the big changes. This is when you need to make any changes. It’s time to take control — shape your life and your future.




Your Card: 10 of Swords


Virgo, you have been playing the role of peacemaker for quite some time. You have nothing left in you to give, or at least that’s what it feels like. Simply put – you are exhausted. It’s like you’re stuck in this role that you can’t get out of. You feel a sense of obligation in terms of keeping certain situations, or one in particular, at bay. It is impossible to keep everybody happy all the time. At this point, the only person’s happiness you have control over is your own. It is a lot of weight and responsibility to carry everyone else’s problems around with you and feel like you have to be the one to solve them. Or that you must be the one to brighten others’ days if they’re not having a good one. For some, you almost feel like the underlying cause of someone’s sadness or self-doubt. But the reality is, that’s on them. If you are making someone unhappy, it is their job to do something about it. You can only do so much. Be a good person, do what you think is right, but don’t shape your behaviors and the way that you live your life around what other people are going to think, or out of the fear that someone will misinterpret your intentions. Live your life the best way you know how.




Your Card: Queen of Pentacles


People may not realize that you have the unique ability to wear many hats, Libra. You are capable of reading people and situations and treating them accordingly. This is a skill not many can master quite as well as you can. Don’t feel as if you have to fit a certain mold because others can’t fully understand how you can roll so easily in many different types of crowds. It doesn’t mean that you’re being fake, it means that you have the ability to see from different perspectives. You can put yourself in others’ shoes. Even if you don’t agree, you can see where someone else is coming from. This helps you to be fairer and just in your decision making, and everyday life. In fact, this is a skill which you should nurture and grow, rather than one you should try to suppress because of outside influences or wrongful judgment. Don’t let those who can’t understand get to you. Keep being yourself. The right people will want to surround themselves with you because they see how special you truly are.




Your Card: The Emperor


Scorpio, you act tough, you look tough, but deep down, you are a softy. You just don’t like most people to know this about you. Only a select few have the honor of being let past your hard, armored exterior. You like to be in control, and especially now. There is a situation unfolding in which you feel like you need to maintain the upper hand. You need to be calling the shots. You want things to be your decision because you don’t want the decision to be made for you. In that case, the only question left is whether you believe it is better to be feared or respected? How do you want to be perceived? Ruling with an iron fist may work on some types of people, but not all. There are still those who will see through and realize that you, yourself, are acting out of fear. They may rebel, or try to break you down in some way. But, not all of these people will have bad intentions. Some will just want to understand you better and open you up. This is not something you’re very comfortable with, but if you are careful and select the right people to let in, it could change a lot for you.




Your Card: King of Swords


You have been thinking a whole lot about being better, doing better, and acting better. So much so, that it has practically taken over your mind. You want to be better as a whole and you’re working your way up to this. You are blossoming big time, Sag! I’m seeing you trying to do everything that you can think of in order to level up. You are keeping yourself motivated, which is truly the best form of inspiration. You are the only one who can make yourself take action. So keep this going. Keep reminding yourself of your goals and your aspirations. You are starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together which leads you to a place of wholeness within yourself. You are no longer relying on the people, places, and things outside to bring you to a place of fulfillment. That is no easy feat and it will not happen overnight – it is a process and a constant flow of learning experiences. I think that you have come to a place where you have finally realized this, and that is helping you manifest. Keep flowing and keep going!




Your Card: Queen of Wands


I’m seeing you as an onlooker to some kind of drama or others fighting over something right now, Cap. To be honest, it looks like you’re kind of enjoying it. You may have two people fighting over you, or others may be vying for your attention in some way. You know that, ultimately, you have the control and make the final decision. In fact, it looks like you already know what you’re going to do. You are just savoring this moment. Try not to let this go too far. More so for others’ sake than yours. If you were in their shoes, you wouldn’t want someone to put you through it just because they can. Whatever you decide to do, be mindful to be kind in the manner in which you do it. There is a small risk of these opposing forces going against you if you don’t go about this in the right way. It isn’t to say that they will turn around and attack you, but they may leave you with no options altogether if this escalates too much.




Your Card: The Magician


Just like in Vegas, when you’re up, you’re up, Aquarius. And when you’re down, you feel like you’ve lost it all. But you really have the power to make lemonade out of lemons in every chapter of your life. You just have to recognize this power and harness it. You can get caught up in believing that outside influences have all the say in where you go from here. But that isn’t true. You have everything at your disposal. All of the resources that you need, you are actually carrying with you – all the time. It isn’t just something special, or particular, that you have to get a hold of. Choose to take advantage of your abundant resources. Again, understand that this is all your choice. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. But don’t blame circumstance. Everything is really working for you – especially now — but you must understand that these things are not black and white. Many times things must fall apart to come together. Allow people, places, and things to serve their purpose and fall away without concluding that your life is falling apart.

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