Alleged Capitol Rioter Arrested, Accused of Threatening to “Assassinate” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

After the Capitol riot on Jan

Garret Miller arrested, threatened to "assassinate" AOC

Photo: AOC -Flickr/Ståle Grut NRKbeta// Miller - Dallas County Sheriff’s Office via AP

After the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, AOC went on Instagram Live to share her experience and the fear she felt for her own life. Now one of the alleged rioters has been arrested for multiple criminal acts including threatening to kill the U.S. representative for New York’s 14th congressional district. Garret Miller of Dallas, Texas faces five criminal charges stemming from the Capitol siege, including trespassing offenses and making death threats after allegedly tweeted, “assassinate AOC,” according to court documents. He also reportedly said the police officer who fatally shot a Trump supporter during the attack “deserves to die” and won’t “survive long” because it’s “huntin[g] season.”

Miller, 34 was arrested Wednesday and charged in Washington federal court with entering a restricted building; violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds; obstructing or impeding an official proceeding; and certain acts during civil disorder. In the criminal complaint, it’s revealed the FBI confirmed his identity after verifying that his cell number was associated with both the Facebook and Twitter accounts used in the case, according to Courthouse News.

The FBI claims he later tweeted to AOC that the rioters “acted with honor and we where [sic] not armed” and that they were “gentle” with police, reported Courthouse News. He claimed officers “murdered a child,” referring to Ashli Babbitt, the Trump supporter killed by police during the insurrection. After she tweeted “impeach,” directing it at then president Donald Trump, who was accused of inciting the insurrection, Miller allegedly replied “assassinate AOC.”

AOC responded to the news about Miller on Friday, tweeting “Well, you did!” in response to his alleged post about wanting to incriminate himself by sharing about participating in the siege on social media.

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“On one hand you have to laugh,” she added. “[A]nd on the other know that the reason they were this brazen is because they thought they were going to succeed.”

During her IG Live, AOC said she truly feared for her life. “There were QAnon and white supremacist sympathizers, and frankly white supremacist members of Congress, in that extraction point who I have felt would disclose my location and would create opportunities to allow me to be hurt, kidnapped, et cetera.”

“I did not know if I was going to make it to the end of that day alive, and not just in a general sense but also in a very, very specific sense,” she added.

Clint Broden, Miller’s attorney told The Associated Press in an email that Miller regrets the actions he took in support of the former president.

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AOC Capitol Riot
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