Designer Christian Siriano Creates Luxurious Plus-Size Bridal Collection — And It’s Stunning!

If getting married wasn’t stressful enough, finding a wedding dress that fits when you’re not a size 6 can be true hell on earth

Photo: Unsplash/@ohhbee

Photo: Unsplash/@ohhbee

If getting married wasn’t stressful enough, finding a wedding dress that fits when you’re not a size 6 can be true hell on earth. But there is someone looking out for us curvy women. Fashion designer Christian Siriano has just released a new bridal collection with dress sizes that go up to 26!

Siriano’s 2018 bridal collection is a real breathe of fresh air, especially when you consider that the average size of an American woman is 16.

“I think it was just pretty easy, a no-brainer for us,” Siriano told Mic. “It just made sense. I think it’s important that all the dresses, everything we’re offering, can come in any size. That’s an important thing.”

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Plus-size wedding dresses is widely popular and designers are noticing. And, while there’s a vast assortment to choose from, Siriano’s eye for the grandiose is what has been missing from bridal collections. I am telling you, no woman wants to look like a cake on her wedding day. The former winner of Project Runway (fourth season) designed a beautifully eclectic line.

Take a look below!

“For every bride, it’s almost like this notion that they need to lose weight,” Siriano said to Mic. “It’s a misconception, that looking your best means that you’re thin. That’s why so many brands think that a bride doesn’t want to see a plus-size woman advertising dresses for them, which is false.”

False, indeed.

Fans of Siriano’s bridal collection are as speechless as I am. Actually, not really. Some of them are vocally ecstatic! Just check out these comments:

Christian Siriano

So which dress is your favorite?

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