HipLatina Horoscopes: Everything You Need to Start the Week of June 25th

After last week’s new moon in Gemini, the planets are really fired up to make some big statements this week

Photo: Unsplash/@omarlopez1

Photo: Unsplash/@omarlopez1

After last week’s new moon in Gemini, the planets are really fired up to make some big statements this week. Some of us are going to do it with an iron fist, while others may take more spiritual tactics. Either way — the key word of the week is “change.” And the only thing you can really control, is how you respond to all of it. See how below:


This week you are going to see it all so clear. You can see the finish line now, especially in matters around the office. And yet here it is again — same day, same b.s. when it comes to getting others on your side. The stars suggest that you are ready to go to war. Might I suggest the following: take a deep breath. Put your sword down. And enlist a few wildling co-workers to help you out before you go all Jon Snow on the problem. You can win this week — but you’re victory will be much sweeter if you work smart, not out of your fear that things will never go your way.


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The planets have brought you through a world emotions and wins this year, and now they ask you to take a second to assess. Especially in your relationship department. Who has been hanging on your coat-tails too long? Who’s not pulling their weight and who has been a faithful friend? With the moon squaring your chart this week, try not to be overwhelmed by any emotional floods that come with this influence of introspection. This is what growth is: sometimes we know each other for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Give what naturally needs to occur a shot to manifest now.



Things are looking up this week. Whatever ideas you’ve been toying with for the past two weeks are ready for an ear of counsel right now. Maybe it won’t be someone who’s going to push you into the finer details — Neptune’s in your chart this week and he only wants to talk big picture. But the creative undertones you’ve been feeling this week are ready to see the sun, whether it’s a haircut or a new wig line. Whatever you want to accomplish, it receives a cosmic boost this week. Use it!



Sometimes we just need to live in our emotions for a minute. This is not the week to take on a new project in the office — you just don’t have the attention span. But that’s okay. Don’t waste your time being moody and stressed about the things you think you should be doing. Instead, find a woman who is spiritual this week, to help you work through the themes of your purpose, your joys and your next steps. You’re coming into you own now, and this just takes work. You can do it, though.



Look: I don’t care who pissed in your Cheerios this week — clapping back at people is not the way to win the wars you’re fighting. Even if it feels personal; even if it feels like they are coming for your life. If a crisis happens this week, whether it be a window shattering in your car or a friend stealing your boyfriend, you have the option to let it roll off your shoulders. And I suggest you fight off Pluto’s influence in your chart this week, and just let it go. You can use the energy of Mercury in your charts this week and reach for honest, even and respectful communication. If not, whatever you blow up this week will remember your words for much longer than you may like later on.



You’d be wise to commit to a little journaling this week. Just a few notes here and there between meetings or while waiting in line at Chipotle. Between all the ideas swimming around in your mind, and all the deep, soulful work happening in your life right now, sometimes it’s good to take a moment to reflect on all of it quietly. See what you like. See what isn’t working. Jupiter is sending you very optimistic vibes, and that confidence will be better served working on yourself this week.



Sometimes you just have to cut people or circumstances out of your life. I know that’s hard to do this week, as the moon is likely to flip your head around a few times on the subject. But if you’ve been trying hard to make a toxic situation work, this might be the week to finally cut your ties. Confide in a big sister/ spiritual gangster to get a more holistic way to remove this energy from your life so it doesn’t plague you later on.



This week you have two choices: you could rule your life with an iron fist and pull everyone into your gravitation. Or you could go with the flow. Pulling everyone in, in order to get what you want, might take a bit more energy than you anticipate. The fire you currently feel in your belly to get it all in order isn’t going to last long term. Think further down the road. You could be making an impossible situation for yourself later on. Perhaps sharing the responsibility and working with others would be an easier way to go this week.



This could be a great week to stretch your wings and finally get some shit done.  Mars is helping you see how to plan something new and extravagant. Whatever you come up with will feel more than possible this week. Jupiter and Mercury are working together to give you a beautiful boost of optimism as well this week . This is a once in a lifetime influence to max out — so make sure you commit to pushing your big idea forward a little bit, every day this week. The rest of your summer plans will thank you for it.



As Saturn is wrapping up it’s retrograde phase, you’re going to start to feel all the months of effort and refinement you’ve been experiencing finally pick up speed. This week we are going to see Uranus step in and help you to make smooth changes, take more changes and clear the way for a strong future after retrograde. Don’t waste another moment second-guessing yourself now. You’re about to enter an energetic vortex that is going to shoot your ambitions and ideas to the moon. Get buckled up! The wild ride forward starts now!



It’s like you, yourself, are a planet in retrograde. A planet that is potentially slipping backwards and not forwards toward the things you wish to possess. But your fears are much like the illusion of a retrograde; all of this time you have been moving forward. Sometimes forward just includes refinement. This week, your ruling planets swoop in like loving parents and let you know that you are loved unconditionally. To  really let yourself go, and change whatever needs to come. To fight any self-destructive tendencies and believe that the good karma cards you’ve been stacking up are really coming in to be cashed soon. This week — the battle is in your mind and no where else. Will you let yourself relax to the process and finally win?



This is a good week to give life to a new task. Maybe a new project around the home or finally picking up that book that’s been sitting in the corner. Where some may see these as mundane things, this is really about you living your best summer. About you saying that you will find the space and time for your own self-interests and you will pursue them because it is your divine right to do so. If someone does not understand that, just use that gentle tone you have to let them politely know, to piss off. Even if it’s getting a little quiet time in the bathroom to just do your nails or check for grey hairs — every planet wants you to fight for what your spirit is craving this week.

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