It’s National Chocolate Milkshake Day and We Had to Pick Our Fave!

The history of the milkshake was not invented by Dairy Queen or McDonald’s, it actually originates back to the late 1885 when it first appeared in print as an alcoholic drink that included Whiskey

Photo: Unsplash/@dougglaslopez

Photo: Unsplash/@dougglaslopez

The history of the milkshake was not invented by Dairy Queen or McDonald’s, it actually originates back to the late 1885 when it first appeared in print as an alcoholic drink that included Whiskey. Decades later ice cream was introduced and the electric blender was invented in 1922.

Fast forward to 2003 and Kelis’ “Milkshake” song has a totally different meaning that turns up in the Urban Dictionary. I don’t think anyone that walks the planet can utter ‘milkshake’, without singing “My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard” – without even realizing you are singing it!

Since today is National Chocolate Milkshake Day, we’ll share her favorite shake as well as some of the top trending shakes on Instagram. Chances are you’ll want to whip one up right after this!

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Look at this dairy-free double trouble of cuties.


Stuffing Oreos in a milkshake is ALWAYS a good idea.


No turning back when you order this Girl Power Crazy Shake from Black Tap Craft in NYC.


Super sweet! This couple from London is sharing their love with milkshakes, tattoos, and one-year anniversary!


I’d have one of these, but make mine a diet shake! Please!


Tom!! Did you really drink this shake?


Ok, this is the icing on the cake! Chocolate shake with a unicorn? I am out! Off to do squats or run. Better yet, maybe run to find a chocolate shake!

In this Article

ice cream milk shakes
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