11 Latinx Celebs Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting

Valentine’s Day should have been a day to celebrate love, instead, it was a day that the United States of America was once more struck by a tragedy: 19-year-old, Nikolas Cruz opened fire on the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17 people and injuring at least 14 others

Photo: Unsplash/@mrthetrain

Photo: Unsplash/@mrthetrain

Valentine’s Day should have been a day to celebrate love, instead, it was a day that the United States of America was once more struck by a tragedy: 19-year-old, Nikolas Cruz opened fire on the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17 people and injuring at least 14 others. This is the 18th school shootings in the 45 days since the start of the year.

Unsurprisingly, the reactions far and wide have been of hurt and outrage. Many are criticizing Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio for tweeting that it was a “day you pray never comes” when he has received $3,303,355 and an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association. The senator’s prayers are ineffective in ending gun violence, and these 11 Latinx celebs are stepping up and making sure that their voices — and their calls to action — are heard.

1. John Leguizamo wants you to donate to fight gun violence in America.

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He makes us want to do so. much. more.


2. Lin-Manuel Miranda demands gun control NOW. 

Yes, yes, and ALL the yes.


3. Gloria Estefan is hurt for her “beloved Florida.” 

We’re all asking the same question: What now?


4. Ricky Martin shows that his heart is with the victims. 

Our hearts, too.


5. Camilla Mendes grieves for her former home. 

The children have lost their innocence.


6. Gina Rodriguez retweeted the wise words of Elizabeth Banks. 

Maybe Marco Rubio needs to see this one…


7. She also retweeted what Andy Richter said.

This is a VERY good point. It shouldn’t be so easy for anyone to buy an assault weapon like an AR-15.


8. Constance Marie wants to protect the children.

It’s disgusting to see grown ups ignore the pleas of children.wp_*posts

9. Soledad O’Brien reminded us about the facts.

Yes, basically Trump has made it easier for people like the shooter to get their hands on these deadly weapons.


10. Stephanie Beatriz retweeted Cheryl Strayed’s reminder that prayers do nothing.

Action, action, action. Yes, that’s what we need.


11. Melissa Fumero talked about her heartbreak and reminded us this is not normal.

Remember that forever: THIS IS NOT NORMAL. THIS IS NOT OK.

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