The Best Way to Ring in the New Year According to Your Zodiac Sign
We’re not all the same

Photo: Unsplash/@dulgier
We’re not all the same. Especially if you pay attention to zodiac signs. While one sign may want to party it up on New Year’s Eve, another will prefer to curl up at home with a rom-com and a cup of tea. What is your ideal New Year’s Eve according to your sun sign? Read on to find out!wp_*posts
Aries are extroverts, dynamic, and adventurous, so going out to a big party where you’ll be center of attention just might be your idea of a great NYE. You’re also quick-tempered and impatient, so perhaps getting caught up in a crowd might annoy you. Choose a fun party atmosphere that won’t be too much to deal with.
Taurus folks are known for being as stubborn as a bull, so maybe you should stick to your own plans for New Year’s. You also love food, so why not go have a delicious dinner with your loved ones?
You Geminis are social butterflies, so being out and about will probably be the funnest option for you for NYE. You also like the unusual, so a party with something different to it, like a circus theme, would be right up your alley.
Cancers like to be home, and would prefer a nice night in, versus any fuss. A night home with your significant other, watching a movie and ordering in some food, would be perfect for you.
Leos, you have the tendency to be showy, sometimes pretentious, and like glamour. The glitzy, traditional New Year’s Eve parties held at fancy hotels are just your thing. It’s time to bring out the sparkly outfit, high heels, and spectacular makeup!
Virgos pay so much attention to detail, it’s not even funny. Use your exacting eye, perfectionism, and cray organizational skills to throw the best NYE party of all time.
Libras love to socialize, and be the life of the party. Wherever you decide to celebrate on New Year’s Eve, you will want to be surrounded by friends. Since you tend to be indecisive, why not let your BFF make the plans?
Scorpios are loyal people who usually have a close group of friends. They are also known for being a sensual zodiac sign. Spend NYE with your circle of BFFs at the local watering hole, or have a sexy night in with your love.
Sagittarius people are super adventurous and energetic, so they will mostly benefit from a high-octane party–or several! You love going places, so flit around, from fete to fete!
If you’re a Capricorn, you probably like to party. You’re also a practical Earth sign, so you will probably want to do something traditional and fun, yet low-key. Take the opportunity to unwind and let your hair down!
If you are an Aquarius, you have a tendency to be original and creative, and like meeting new people. You will probably want to come up with a celebration that is completely out of the box, like inviting extended friends (and friends of friends) to your house for vision board-making party.
Pisces, you love to dream, and adore music. Why not catch a dope concert, while letting your mind wander, thinking about all the awesome things you will do in 2019?