Astrologist Walter Mercado’s 2019 Predictions Are Here
If you’re superstitious and want to start the New Year off right, Walter Mercado has got your back

Photo: Instagram/waltermercadotv
If you’re superstitious and want to start the New Year off right, Walter Mercado has got your back. From politics to finance, he predicts some things you’re definitely going to want to hear. So before you gear up for your usual New Year’s rituals and practices, check out what he has to say about this coming year of the pig.
In his usual eccentric fashion, Walter made some pretty clear predictions about 2019.
According to Walter, Chinese astrology says that 2019 is a year of possibilities and probabilities, and a time for dreams to be achieved. Sounds good, right?
wp_*postsFaith and dedication are the way to win.
Astrologically, the universe conspires in favor of those who have faith, perseverance, passion, dedication, and effort. There will be five eclipses that have the potential to awake us to realities.
Climate is crucial.

In 2019, the earth will be even more prone to floods, blizzards, earthquakes, fires — anything to do with the climate. Mother Nature warns to take care of the ecosystem.
Finances will improve in the U.S. and the Caribbean.
While the recession will still affect many countries including some in Latin America, things will improve in the United States, the Caribbean, and Europe. Children will become a priority and changes in education will be at the forefront.
Social media will continue its rise.

Walter says social media will become even more powerful in 2019 and reach even more people. New discoveries and innovations will be made in the new year.
There’s a cure.

Walter predicts that scientific advances will result in cures for illnesses that were previously thought to be incurable. Amazing!
Polarization in the U.S. continues.
If you’re tired of all the tension, brace yourself. Walter says there will be a “heavenly summons” to unity and brotherhood, but that the KKK and anti-Semitic groups will continue to rise.
Trump could be history.
If it’s any consolation, Donald Trump will apparently face his worst year as president of the United States and may even be impeached in 2019.
Puerto Rico makes a comeback.
Puerto Rico will finally make its post-Hurricane Maria comeback and will become an example of resiliency and compassion in the world. Other Latin American countries including the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, and Panama will make strides toward modernization, social justice, and financial stability.
Immigrants will struggle.

While 2019 will bring positive things for many, Central American immigrants will continue to struggle.
All you need is love.
The Tarot has drawn the sun card for 2019, and it represents the heart and unconditional love. Love will be at the root of positive changes in the world and make it a more harmonious place.