Wanda Vázquez Is Now the Governor of PR, but Maybe Not for Long

The Governor’s seat in Puerto Rico seems to be a game of musical chairs

Photo: Pexels/@molly-champion-256223

Photo: Pexels/@molly-champion-256223

The Governor’s seat in Puerto Rico seems to be a game of musical chairs. In less than a week, Puerto Ricans have had three governors: Ricardo Rosselló, who resigned after massive days of protests, and Pedro Pierluisi, who’s swearing-in was overturned by the Supreme Court. Wanda Vázquez, who was the next in line for the position, was sworn in yesterday evening. Something tells us, she won’t remain in that post for long.

Vázquez, who had no desire to be the Governor of Puerto Rico, said during her speech that she has never pursued political posts, despite being a public servant for more than 30 years as a prosecutor. She also said she would not resign. But instead, would see her office through and finish the four-year term until December 31 of 2020. “We will work together on all that unites us, and we will look for consensus where we disagree,” Vázquez said in her televised speech. “The times demand that.”

However, it looks like Puerto Ricans are not going to take this news quietly. Vázquez has had her share of controversy as justice secretary. CBS News reports that Vázquez got slammed by the public for not being “aggressive enough in pursuing corruption investigations involving members of her New Progressive Party and that she did not prioritize gender violence cases.”

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Last night on Twitter, the hashtag #WandaRenuncia was trending, while some were already making noise outside their home as soon as it was announced that Vázquez was being sworn in.

One person on Twitter said, “Watching Wanda Vázquez message felt like attending a funeral. After six days waking up positive for Puerto Rico’s future with Pedro Pierluisi, today I feel more worried than with Ricardo Rossello at the helm. All things considered, maybe we should’ve let him finish his term. #WandaRenuncia.”

Another said they are ready to hit the streets and protest this lastest swearing-in. The core issue is that Puerto Ricans don’t just want any new person leading their territory, but a leader who will end corruption and make significant changes.


She’s not qualified to be the new governor,” Yanira Arias, an organizer that is demanding Vázquez’s resignation, said according to the New York Times. “What’s happening now is an expression of discontent over the corruption and lack of authentic answers from a government that is not legislating in favor of the Puerto Rican people.”

Vázquez is part of the Rossello regime who will serve Puerto Rico like business as usual. It’s the same old thing that Puerto Ricans have already been dealing with.

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