Your Weekly Tarotscope for September 1 – September 7, 2019 Revealed

Theme of the Week: Queen of Wands The Queen of Wands is ready to begin rooting herself this week

Queen of Wands

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Week: Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands is ready to begin rooting herself this week. After a period of instability and uncertainty, our outlook is progressively becoming more optimistic. This is due to information we have gathered from passionate circumstances. These developments are beginning to add up and the puzzle pieces are finally falling into place. There are still a few mysteries to unfold, but overall, we have everything we need to move into a more decisive, constructive, and committed state. This new stability will be the catalyst to really going for what we know in our hearts we want. There is nothing left to hold you back but yourself.


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Your Card: 9 of Cups


The 9 of Cups says you think you have it all but you might want to take a second look at your trophy shelf, Virgo. Are you truly satisfied? In a perfect world, is this where you would choose to reside? Selecting the path of least resistance is choosing to settle. We don’t always know what we want, so if you are taking this for a test run, then really pay attention to the thoughts and feelings that come up now. Nothing happens overnight, but you might be surprised at what you learn if you really stop to gain some perspective. Realizing your true desires could shock even yourself.




Your Card: Page of Wands


The Page of Wands is encouraging you to keep going, Libra! You are running a marathon, not a sprint, so pace yourself. Think things through and take each step forward carefully and methodically — follow your hearts calling. The obstacles in your mirror are larger than they appear but with some moxie, you have it all covered. If you take a moment to look at things from another perspective you will realize that none of this is really new for you. It only seems that way on the outside. You have all the knowledge you need. Navigate this like you are seamlessly weaving through traffic.



Scorpio Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: The Sun


The Sun is normally correlated with happiness, optimism, and a sense of childlike freedom. But you, dear Scorpio, are feeling like you are drowning in the sunshine right now. Either you are trying to maintain an air of buoyancy and it is wearing on you, or you are being surrounded by it so much that it is making you ill. You don’t have to keep up a facade and you don’t have to keep the company of anyone who isn’t your people. Some of us are naturally cheerful and happy-go-lucky types. Others tend towards a more serious tone. You might feel like you are at the mercy of the former, but you can only keep up the charade for so long. Be true to yourself.




Your Card: 7 of Wands


The 7 of Wands wants to force you into something you may not be too keen on, Sag. You are being pushed into a corner after you thought you had things under control. Take this as a sign not to let yourself get too comfortable and rest on your laurels when things are going your way. As you are experiencing now, anything can change in the blink of an eye. Although it seems like a lot at once, you can handle this if you settle things one by one. Once you have it all sorted, then you can put a plan in place for the interim. If you want to be extra prepared, you will put one in place for moving forward as well.




Your Card: 8 of Cups


The 8 of Cups is abandoning what has been tried and true for the new and exciting. Greener pastures await you, Cap. But you will never know them unless you take the risk. You know what they say, “No risk, no reward.” You may have your doubts, but there is no way to know for sure what lies beyond unless you try. If things do not work out to your preference — which will likely not be the case — you can always turn around and head back to where you came from. Putting it into perspective, is there even real risk involved or are you simply afraid of the unknown?



Aquarius Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: The Emperor


The Emperor is trying to control everything he possibly can now. Aquarius, you are in the hot seat now. On the outside, you look collected and clearly directed. On the inside is another story. You are quite good at organizing yourself and not becoming too scattered, so it shouldn’t be too difficult for you to create structure where you need it most. The hardest pill to swallow right now is that your power is limited in this situation. That is where the problem comes in. You can’t have control over everything in life. Some things are just meant to be no matter how hard you fight. Put a little trust in the universe. You will eventually find out the answers.




Your Card: The Hierophant


The Hierophant’s authority presides over you now, Pisces. You are being expected to follow someone else’s rules or will. You might not necessarily have an issue with this now, but if it continues on too long, it could create a wedge between you and the person or people, you are barking your orders at. This could also be reversed, as you might be the one on the receiving end this week. If you are the one enduring, gentle communication can do wonders. Keeping things inside will only generate a bigger gap, or build resentment. This should be an easy fix if you nip it in the bud.




Your Card: Page of Swords


The Page of Swords has his head in the clouds this week, Aries. You want to do and experience so many things. To you, this is how you live life to the fullest. That is all well and good, but you still need to stay focused on your main priorities. You have plenty of time to catch up on outside activities, all you have to do is plan properly. Try not to be hasty and jump into anything right now. You have important work to take care of. They may not always be the most fun or enriching activities, but finding a way to shift your perspective on your obligations could help make them more enjoyable. Remember the days you prayed for the things you have now.




Your Card: The Fool


Heads up! The Fool is ready to walk you right off a cliff this week, Taurus. You have your blinders on and those glasses are as rose-colored as can be. You are ignoring all the signs and signals in order to stay blissfully ignorant. Taurus, deep down you know better than this. At this point, you are simply a willing participant. But this naivety will not last long. Soon, the signs will be blaring so bright you will have no choice but to pay attention and will start asking questions. You want to believe in the fairytale so bad right now. But the sooner you bring yourself back down to earth, the better.




Your Card: The Tower


The Tower is breaking you down this week, Gem. This sounds quite dramatic and unpleasant, but in the long-run, it is in your best interest. This is a major time of transformation. Embrace this for all the good, bad, and ugly that comes with it. One day, you will look back on this time with fondness and gratitude. Let inspiration strike, flow, and help you create. Some of your most genius works could come out of this period, so do not let it go to waste! It is time to take out the trash and get rid of anything no longer serving you in a positive way. Think of this as a rebirth.



Cancer Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: 10 of Wands


The 10 of Wands accompanies you through the end of a trying time, Cancer. You have been dragging this stuff around for far too long and are finally on the cusp of repose. At the end of this, lies an exciting journey. It is one which you may not feel as if you have all the tools or know-how to navigate successfully, but all of the experience you have collected through your recent difficulties will actually be the keys to your triumph. You are so entrenched in the work, that you likely do not even realize just how close you are. You are a mere few steps away. Whatever you do, don’t give up yet.




Your Card: The Lovers


The Lovers is here to give you a big message this week, Leo. You may assume someone near and dear to you can read your mind. Although you may have a special connection, both parties need a much clearer communication than osmosis now. If you truly want to connect and come to an understanding, you will need to employ your masculine energy and extend your hand. They will take it. This is a mutual link, but at the moment, there is a mountain between you. The words unspoken are not so much about emotions or feelings, rather an assumption of one another’s wants or needs. Clearing the air will make way for head and heart, conscious and unconscious, to become aligned. This will allow both of you to move forward cohesively, in one direction.

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