Your Weekly Tarotscope for October 13 – October 19, 2019 Revealed
Theme of the Week: The Magician The Magician is turning life on its head and making things happen this week! There is an abundance of opportunities at hand

Theme of the Week: The Magician

The Magician is turning life on its head and making things happen this week! There is an abundance of opportunities at hand. This has the potential to completely alter your reality as it currently stands. Everything can change, but you have to be the one to put in the effort. Whatever you need to makeshift happen will be at your disposal this week. It isn’t always going to be obvious, so pay extra attention to serendipity – there are no coincidences now. There may be moments of magic, feeling almost as if you think it and it appears. You know what they say, “Watch your thoughts, for they become your words. Watch your words, for they become your actions.” Keep yourself pointed in the right direction because the universe will test you to see if you are truly ready to progress to the next level in this game we call life.

Your Card: The High Priestess

A lot has happened for you recently, Libra. Now, you are finding yourself feeling a little more on the private side. I’m feeling like this may have to do with jealousy or negative vibes of some sort coming your way. Not everyone is going to be supportive and happy of your good fortune. It doesn’t mean they don’t love or care about you, it just means they have a lot of work to do on themselves. Do what makes you happy. If you find that it is less stress to keep your blessings to yourself and revel in your bliss behind-the-scenes, do that. I am hearing it is wise right now and will save you a bit of unnecessary stress. Either way, don’t let others’ personal issues affect your felicity. Showing gratitude is how you got here in the first place.

Your Card: The Hermit

The Hermit is at the end of his journey. He has searched far and wide, gone through many experiences, and it has made him all the wiser. His objective may have been a little elusive when he began, but now he knows what he wants and what he has to do to get it. This is a rite of passage in itself, Scorpio. You have done the work, and now it is time to end your soul searching and move into the next chapter of your life. To an extent, you must surrender and let fate take the wheel. But the universe can not function without you. You must take all that knowledge you have gathered and put it to good use. This starts now.

Your Card: Death

You want change Sag, but are you really doing what is necessary to implement it? You can’t wish, hope, and pray situations away. You must take action. This is a bit touchy because you cannot just take any action, or you risk digging yourself deeper into a hole of what you consider misfortune. It must be a concerted effort. While you are in the place you stand now – because you have made yourself comfotable in your discomfort – there really is no rush. Use this time to take stock of what you like and dislike in terms of the place you are in now. Note what you would like to change, and where you want to go. You can always make moves, but if you have no direction or goal, it will only be a lateral move. Hence, why you are in your current situation. It is time to move up instead of sideways.

Your Card: 8 of Pentacles
The devil is in the details, Capricorn. It isn’t so important how you make it happen now, it’s really just important that it happens. Let go of the inclination to have every detail just right and each item in its place. All of the small stuff will sort itself out naturally. It’s time to focus on the bigger picture. Where are you in the scheme of things? If you had hoped to be further along, guess what? You are spending too much time on the particulars. If you are right where you want to be, then maybe it’s time to start setting loftier goals so you stay moving and advancing. The key here for you is progress. It isn’t that you haven’t made any, but you aren’t quite living to your potential. You have all the ability to get there, though, and with less effort than you think.

Your Card: 5 of Swords

You got what you wanted, Aquarius, yet on some level, you are still feeling a bit unsatisfied. Could it be your only thought you knew what you wanted, only to realize different when you finally got it? If this is the case, don’t be afraid to speak up. Nothing in life is permanent and if you never ask, the answer will always be no. You might be pushing some boundaries by doing this, but nothing that can’t be repaired with time or carefully worded coercion. You are good at getting what you want and deserve. There is no reason to stop now when you stand to benefit so much more.

Your Card: Knight of Pentacles

You’re not only in a standstill right now, Pisces, but in a standoff. It looks like you have something someone else wants. But, you aren’t about to let them have it so easily. The only problem is, the longer you hold on, the longer it keeps you stuck in place. Think about what you could stand to benefit from giving this up, rather than what someone else could gain from obtaining it. Don’t drag yourself down for pride or ego, if that is the case now. This could be something precious to you, so you don’t want to just give it away or leave it in any irresponsible persons hands. But, sometimes you must trust and have faith. Consider the possibility that, for some deeper reason, you aren’t giving this person their due credit. Once you acknowledge and make peace with that, this situation will be a lot easier on the both of you.

Your Card: Page of Swords

You’re willing to try something new in the name of experience, Aries. It may not be your first choice, but you are entering into a time of expansion now. It may seem like things have fallen apart in many ways, and this is very unsettling. But, in actuality, the universe is stretching you out. Consider this a very exciting time of growth. When the universe decides it’s time for you to scale up, it means you have done the work and are ready for the next level. It might not feel like such a joyous occassion, but eventually, you’ll reap what you’ve sown and it will feel amazing Aries. Keep doing what you’re doing. Keep giving life the good old college try. You are developing in ways you don’t even realize.

Your Card: Page of Wands

Same s—, different day – amirite, Taurus? You are doing your best to take whatever life throws at you in stride now. But it ain’t easy! You only make it look that way. The hardest part is over, so take a breath this week and keep on keepin’ on. The next new exciting situation is right around the corner to keep you motivated and on your toes. Although it takes a lot out of you, a little fire under your butt frustrates and inspires you just enough to keep you moving. You have a habit of falling into a routine and settling if you get too comfortable. But, not to worry because a little shake up is coming your way and right in the nick of time. Something you would have previously been quite urked by pops up, but stands no chance against where you’re headed now.

Your Card: Judgement

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for, Gemini. The skies have parted and the angels are singing Hallelujah! There is no one better than you right now. It is as if the stars have finally aligned. The only problem is you do have to come back down to earth at some point! Enjoy and revel in this as long as possible because you deserve it, Gem. You’ve worked hard. I’m hearing blood, sweat, and especially tears. Try not to self-sabatoge or cut this shorter than it needs to be with doubtful or negative thinking. Let yourself give in to elation. Let it envelop you, even if just for a few minutes. Pay attention to how that feels so you can attract more of these moments into your life. It is a beautiful, new day from here on out.

Your Card: 6 of Wands

It’s your time to shine, Cancer! Somehow, and you may not even know how, yourself – but you have come out on top. Through the conflict and confusion, through the back and forth, the strife and hardship, you gave it your best and you came out on top. Although there are those who are rooting for you, excited and warmed by your presence, inevitably there are also those who will look at your good fortune with a discerning eye. Green isn’t a good look on them. Understand that this only comes from their own feelings of shortcoming, it really does not have much to do with you – if anything at all. I believe it is called, projection. By all means celebrate your wins, but keep your circle small and close.

Your Card: Justice

It has come time to s— or get off the pot, and you know this, Leo. This has been a long time coming. You have weighed everything out and you are prepared to live with the consequences of your decision, now. Not all of your previous actions would be repeated if you had to do it over again, but they have schooled you and led you to this very place. Now, you are prepared to take your destiny into your own hands and make something of yourself. What you want to make of yourself now is the only question left to acknowledge. This is the final answer and everything hangs in the balance. This will determine the path of your future, whether you realize it or not. No pressure.

Your Card: The World

It is all coming together, Virgo. Finally! One chapter has ended, and a new one begins. You are successfully creating a life you can be proud of and genuinely enjoy. Not many can say this, so this really is something to celebrate. Try not to keep all the facets of your life into separate little categories. You might find a little mixing and blending to become beneficial and surprisingly refreshing. Integrate as gradually as comfortable for you, no need to throw everything into a pot at once. Just be extra mindful of spreading yourself out too thin. Be sure you are taking the time to recharge your batteries with a little self-care.