This Ancestry Test with Over 35,850 Reviews is 50% Off for Black Friday

Find out where your family roots begin with this $59 kit!

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The Latinx community is definitely diverse, with a variety of ethnicities being represented throughout Latin America. Our ancestral history is filled with many cultural influences, including Indigenous, African, and Spanish to name just a few. This is where tools like the 23andMe Ancestry Service – DNA Test Kit (currently $59 on Amazon, originally $119) comes in handy. DNA testing has helped many Latinxs piece together their family trees and learn more about who they are. If you’ve been curious to try it out, now’s the time to snag one for you or even as a holiday gift for a friend or family member. 

Disclosure: This product is independently selected by our editor. The item purchased through our links may earn us a commission.

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With the 23andMe Ancestry Service – DNA Test Kit, you can unlock a wealth of information about your ancestors. It breaks down your ancestry, calculating it to the 0.1% across over 3,500 geographic regions.

This means you can trace the origins of your DNA to various parts of the globe and in some cases, to specific countries. You’re provided with the makeup of your ancestry composition and insight into where and when your ancestors lived. Plus, you can learn about your haplogroup, which offers interesting information about the migration patterns of your ancestors. 

With over 80 customized reports you get access to, the trait reports contain fascinating details about your appearance and personality. They gauge the likelihood of you possessing certain characteristics, such as having dimples, being afraid of heights, and having a sensitivity to bitter tastes. If you want to go deeper, you can take advantage of the Family Tree feature and choose to connect with distant relatives with the DNA Relative Finder tool.

How It Works 

One of the main draws of the 23andMe Ancestry Service – DNA Test Kit is how convenient it is. It makes it easy to perform a DNA test within the comfort of your home. I should know because I’ve used it. The materials are provided when you receive your kit. After you’ve registered your kit with the included barcode, all you have to do is spit in the tube and mail the saliva sample in the prepaid package. It takes between four to five weeks to get your results. Once you receive your results, you can log into your 23andMe account to view your reports.

If you’re concerned about your privacy, that’s totally understandable. Rest assured that you can easily opt in and out of what data you choose to disclose and you have control over how your DNA information is used.   

What Reviewers Are Saying

If you’re still wondering whether you should buy the 23andMe Ancestry Service – DNA Test Kit, you may be interested in knowing that it’s an Amazon’s Choice product. It’s garnered over 35,850 reviews and has an impressive 4.6 star rating.

One person said, “I’ve always been curious about my ancestry and health, and 23andMe has exceeded my expectations.” (-J. DeJesus) Another individual commented that it “solved an 83+ year mystery of my grandfather’s identity.” (-Coastal Girl)

Right now, you can take advantage of the Black Friday sale and get 50% off this item. That means you get it for just $59 compared to the regular price of $119. If you’re also interested in finding out what your genetic data can tell you about your health, check out the 23andMe Health + Ancestry Service. That kit is more than 65% off and available for $79 (originally $229).

23andMe Ancestry Service – DNA Test Kit, $59 (originally $119), available at

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