Beyoncé Finally Gives Us A Picture Of Her Newborn Twins!

AIt’s been one entire month since Beyoncé gave birth to her twins, Sir and Rumi

Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Sassy

Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Sassy

AIt’s been one entire month since Beyoncé gave birth to her twins, Sir and Rumi. And in true Beyoncé fashion, the singer released the image when she decided it was time, despite all the demand on social media, at just after midnight. Let’s take a look and then discuss…

The pop star is shining like the queen she is, in that familiar floral backdrop. The babies are the cutest of course, and what is also pretty remarkable is that Beyoncé’s post-baby body is back to its usual stunning self.

Naturally the internet chimed in on this Instagram post, and they were hilarious. Check them out:

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Makes a clear solid case…what gives?!

And as of now that number is almost at 5 million!!!

But of course, Twitter wouldn’t be the same without haters.

So, for all those people trying to say ANYTHING negative about B, or her twins, here’s something for you:

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