Cardi B Filed Trademark Forms for “Okurrr” Catchphrase

Cardi B wants to get paid, okurrr?! The Bronx rapper has filed trademark forms for “Okurrr” (and its misspelled version “Okurr”)— a catchphrase she’s infamously been known for saying in the past two years

Photo: Instagram/iamcardib

Photo: Instagram/iamcardib

Cardi B wants to get paid, okurrr?! The Bronx rapper has filed trademark forms for “Okurrr” (and its misspelled version “Okurr”)— a catchphrase she’s infamously been known for saying in the past two years. It’s practically become part of her brand. According to Rolling Stone, Cardi would get paid for any use of the signature phrase “Okurrr” if sold on “t-shirts, sweatshirts, hooded sweatshirts, pants, shorts, jackets, footwear, headgear, namely hats and caps, blouses, bodysuits, dresses, jumpsuits, leggings, shirts, sweaters and undergarments.”

Trademarking catchphrases isn’t anything new. Taylor Swift has done it, along with Beyoncé and the Quintanillas. But what’s interesting about Cardi B trademarking “Okurrr” is that she didn’t actually come up with the catchphrase. In fact, there’s been a ton of controversy over who actually did.

Kim Kardashian’s makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic said in an interview with The Cut that he is the reason why all of the Kardashians started saying it on their reality show Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

So, people don’t really know this, but I started saying ‘Okurrrrrrrr’ years ago then Khloé Kardashian made it a thing, then Cardi B. I did get it from somewhere, though. I just can’t remember where. Khloé and I always joke about it.”

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At least he admits to getting it from somewhere else other than his own brain. What he probably didn’t realize is that Okurrr, like a lot of the popular catchphrases we use these days, originated from Drag culture.

In fact, according to People magazine, Laganja Estranja from RuPaul’s Drag Race (season six) originated the word and tried to come for the Kardashians when they wanted to take credit for it.

In 2016, Estranja ‏ tweeted at Kim saying “POOR ME! Another one of my word candies has been stolen!! How @Alaska5000 of you @KimKardashian ?? LOL.”

But now that Cardi is trademarking his word, Estranja isn’t too bothered by it. Estranja tweeted: “Always a bridesmaid never a bride ??? @iamcardib is one smart business woman!”

Cardi is, indeed a smart businesswoman, but now we’re wondering why Kris Jenner didn’t push for trademarking this deal in the first place. She’s usually all over that.

Either way, good on Cardi for bringing home the cash on this one.

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Cardi B
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