Frida Kahlo’s 112th Birthday Gets Massive Celebration in Mexico City

On July 6, to celebrate the 112th birthday of Frida Kahlo, Mexico City honored her legacy by putting on a spectacular exhibit that would have undoubtedly made the Mexican artist proud

frida kahlo 112 birthday

Photo: Instagram/promocioncdmx

On July 6, to celebrate the 112th birthday of Frida Kahlo, Mexico City honored her legacy by putting on a spectacular exhibit that would have undoubtedly made the Mexican artist proud. In the city’s central plaza — the zócalo — organizers put together “The Colors of Frida” that featured, among other things, a giant sculpture of Frida laying in her bed. The free public street show exhibited works by 32 artists from the United States, Australia, France, the United Kingdom, Spain, China, Brazil, Germany, Finland, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Japan, Switzerland, Turkey, and Mexico, Mexico News Daily reports.

The 3-day art show in the country’s capital was reconstructed to look almost like a secret garden that embodied Frida’s vibrant aesthetic. Several giant skeletons lurked around the exhibit and posed with visitors. Actors also dressed up in various Frida-inspired paintings, while others wore giant paper mache masks. The main attraction, however, had to be the massive sculpture of Frida in her bed.

As history notes, an incapacitated Frida suffered through years of body pain, surgeries, a miscarriage, all as a result of a trolly accident that left her injured for life. Frida showed up to her final art show in a bed after her doctor ordered her not to get up because of her debilitated state. It was in her bed where Frida mastered her craft as a painter, making her the most successful Mexican artist — right alongside her husband, Diego Rivera.

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This year, as the world celebrated her 112th birthday, it’s extraordinary to see that her spirit is very much alive today more than ever. Fans, old and new, cannot get enough of the Mexican icon, whether it is through fandom, new Frida exhibits all around the world, and social media posts dedicated to the late artist.

It feels as if this year, Frida’s resurgence was at an all-time high due to the traveling show which featured her personal objects. Shows in London, Brooklyn, and elsewhere scored record attendance, and other cities are set to open their shows this coming year as well. We also saw collaborations with the Frida Corporation and Vans, and of course, local fans who continue to dress up as Frida today.

So whether we are celebrating Frida’s 112th birthday or her 120th, it’s beautiful to know our beloved feminist icon will be remembered today and always whether on her birthday or any other day of the year. Frida will be remembered forever.

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Frida Kahlo
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