How to Handle the Harvest Full Moon in Aries

This October, the full moon in Aries will be all about your feelings — the good, bad, and the confusing

Photo: Unsplash/@vixenly

Photo: Unsplash/@vixenly

This October, the full moon in Aries will be all about your feelings — the good, bad, and the confusing.

For the most part — every full moon works with the same basic ingredients. A cup of introspection, a teaspoon of severe agitation, a splash of anger, a dash of cray cray, and an extra-long straw to stir up all the emotions. It’s the universe’s way of serving us a good emotional cleanse to flush out what needs to leave our systems, and feel mentally clear again. Honestly, it’s not always such a bad thing.

What you have to pay attention to, however, are the special ingredients the universe likes to add to these monthly concoctions. So, in this case we got Mars — the ruling planet of Aries, Venus — the ruler of love and money, and then Neptune — the shit starting titi of the planetary cosmos who excels at creating a state of constant confusion.

Make this full moon not just about acknowledging how you feel, but also identifying necessary changes you must make for your own prosperity — right now. Mars isn’t the planet of patience and Venus ain’t the wall flower at the dance. The urgency you feel now, is their wake-up call, nudging you to decide what you want, seize your power and release what is completely out of your control.

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It’s almost like a tango between understanding your will and what you can’t change — a grueling test of your stubbornness and flexibility. To start a war or to create peace. It’s hard to review the planets like this, honestly, because one can’t help to acknowledge that this is a universal energy felt by all humans on the planet. So, even while you’re in your own bubble, trying hard to get your shit together, you can only imagine world leaders under the same influence right now. Will the US and North Korea keep their cool at this time? Will they opt for peace? Can we more honest conversations about the Second Amendment and automatic assault weapons now?

Many can — and should — pray.

Because, not only are we personally feeling the urges define our individual freedoms, our relationships will asking for the same attention too, this full moon. Venus and Mars are both trine Pluto, making our passions for one another grow deeper. Couples, friends and family in good standing should grow closer at this time. However, both planets are also square Saturn — making the weakest of our relationships push hidden issues up to the surface. And it’s going to be a two-week period of releasing those who have reached the end of their relationships with you. Try to let them go with peace and love. That will play an important, and perhaps healing narrative for you both later on.

But before you dismiss anyone or anything right now, please just double check your receipts on the issues. Remember what I said about Neptune? This trick is out sprinkling chaos glitter all over the planet right now — making us extra confused, super paranoid, and very easily deceived.

So, if you want to post a political article on Facebook, for instance, research two or three articles from different sides of the political aisle first. Grab holistic points of view, and apply empathy right now. It’s an important time to try to understand other people. Keep in mind what I mentioned above about relationships. Check yo’self before you get too hyped and wreck yo’self out of relationships you really do love and cherish and need. The vibe is just that powerful right now, and apologies afterwards may fall on deaf ears.

For anyone who’s been out here hustling for extra pennies, you might get a nice boost of progress thanks to Jupiter and Uranus. Honest dealings are very important right now, though. No shady business allowed. Be kosher in the ethics department and you should find good opportunities coming your way. Okay?

In short — it’s just another super emotional full moon. Whatever self-care you can apply to help you detach and come back down to normal will be very helpful right now. So stay strong. Have courage. And trust that in the end… You’ll do what you gotta do.

In this Article

full moon Harvest Moon
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