HipLatina Horoscopes: Everything You Need to Know for the Week of July 30th

Just one week away from the new moon, and already we are seeing the stars begin to align to help us with our hearts’ manifestations

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Just one week away from the new moon, and already we are seeing the stars begin to align to help us with our hearts’ manifestations. This is a week of asking for help and asking for what you want. Putting yourself out there and on the track to what you believe you deserve.

If you can follow along with the cosmic energy, you could really project further this week than you have in months. Check it out.


If you play your cards right this week, you could see big changes in your work affairs. With Uranus square your ruling planet Mars, fast and unexpected changes will be making their way through your chart. But with the Sun also conjunct Mars, this isn’t something you can’t handle. In fact, you have a hell of a chance of getting what you want. Just stay away from the emotions right now that say you can’t win. With Mars in the Twelfth house, it’s likely you can manifest either outcome — including a self sabotaging one.

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The universe is really trying to show you how to make a strategy this week, to not just go at it with your heart, but to be acute with your mindset as well. Jupiter is coming to move things along in your relationships this week. While Saturn will help you build new boundaries around the things that are working for you – and what is not. Go with the flow of these two energies, and you’ll feel things start to shift towards the positive.



Something wants to come back from the past this week that you might not mind revisiting. Whether it’s an old love, or an old idea that you thought could make you profitable — whatever it is — you should pay attention to it. The universe is keen to deliver you a very specific message through this interaction this week. Keep an eye out for it and listen closely.



The need to be understood by those who surround us is so important. This week, you might have to spend a little time explaining to someone how you feel. To bring about change, use Pluto and Neptune’s energy to work out the little things you’ve been taking on the chin instead of confronting outright. Don’t let the speed of the convo throw you off, as Uranus stirs the pot in the middle of the week for this talk. Just know and believe you can be heard and understood and that energy will radiate through this conversation you must have right now.



Working on the relationships that are going to take your goals to the next level are key this week. It’s not that everyone is really waiting to hook you up with a bazillion opportunities. In fact, they may even be hiding them from you this week, not because they don’t think you are worthy — they just might not know you are interested. Speak your truth, and be like the sun this week. Express what you want so people can help you — because they will want to.



Sometimes we are forgiven when we least expect it. In an area where you might have been looking for redemption in your life, you could find it this week. The stars are keen to give you another shot — and it looks like this is related to your passions, your wealth and/or your romances. Second chances like this don’t come very often. If you’re feeling rather nostalgic for someone, or something, make it happen. Life’s short.



With fall around the corner, you might want to take a minute this week, and look into how you are going to finish out the year strong. Especially when it comes to the relationships in your life — who is good to keep around, and who is a future PR nightmare for you later? Start to transition yourself towards the best relationships and social commitments, so that the rest of your year is a bit focused towards making things easier in your life and your finances.



Sometimes you just have to put yourself out there. You can’t always hide that emotional wall that you use to deflect the real emotions you have been hiding. Someone out there is confused about you and your interests. But they want to help you — it’s up to you to stop being so stubborn and fearful and just let them. Because it’s going to be awesome.



Patience is going to be the only virtue you need to get you through this week. Someone most likely needs your help, but doesn’t know how to receive your help. And this influence can drive anyone crazy. Instead of beating the point down their throat, just try understanding how they communicate their ideas. They use strategy and wisdom and outthink how they always approach a problem. If you can let yourself get meta with it, you might get ahead of this conversation and steer it to your benefit this week.



This week, the universe is asking us Cappys to really take stock with what’s on our plate right now. Do we love it? Do we need it? Are we ready to understand fully what it requires of our time? Get a little admin done this week and understand the background of what you’re chasing this week. It will help keep you on the path you are aiming towards, and get you to the end much quicker.



Emotions run high this week as you try to outrun the position of patience that Saturn has put you in. There many of the planets are clashing forces with your ruling planet Uranus and this week you could feel some extremes. One moment you could feel highly productive and the next could make you want to scream. To minimize the yoyo effects of this, try to plan a lot of self-care breaks this week that lift your head into the skies of what’s possible.



If someone wants to step into your workflow or insist on coming over to help you mow the lawn — let them. There’s something about the energy of the planets this week that wants you to know that you can’t do everything. Nor do you have to. Help is coming from somewhere that you least expect — even if you ask for it! You’re likely to get a yes! This should help you understand the universal truth that you are not alone. You always have a community (even if it is small.)

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