Your Tarotscope For The Week of October 28- Nov 3, 2018 Revealed
The Star This week we’ll be taking a risk and investing ourselves in a hope or dream we have been holding onto

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The Star
This week we’ll be taking a risk and investing ourselves in a hope or dream we have been holding onto. A transformation has taken place and in many respects has been paving the way for this. There is a lot of passion, meaning and motivation behind this so I see it really standing out. Know that this is different than all the times that have come before. Unfolding gradually, you must have patience—there is something special brewing and it’s written in the stars.

Your Card: 10 of Wands

I know things have not been easy for you, Scorpio. You may be wondering how long you will have to bear this burden and when you will feel free to be happy again? Well, there is some good news and some bad news. The bad news is, the hard work isn’t quite over yet. There is something you need to fix within yourself to reach the next chapter and leave these difficulties behind. Take some time to look within this week. Look objectively at your choices and patterns over the years. Make a conscious decision to break habits that no longer serve your highest self. The good news is that you are RIGHT THERE! You are almost home free! Just a few more steps and you’re over the finish line. You got this Scorpio!

Your Card: 6 of Cups

The past rears its ugly head again this week, Sag. While normally this might be a welcome invitation, there is something about this part of your history you’d prefer to leave behind. Old feelings, while warm for a moment, may quickly turn cold or feel like a loss. You’ll feel yourself caught up in daydreams or alternative endings, but eventually you will understand that it is time to move yourself to a better place and let go of the baggage. If you don’t, you will stay on this treadmill longer than is suited for you.

Your Card: Ace of Wands

You are feeling seriously energized, Cap- with battery to spare! Motivation is a huge factor this week. You’re at the beginning stages of something. It is so big inside your head, that you almost don’t know how to do it justice once it’s on the outside. You have the power to bring this to life. You are a visionary, so visualize! Take in all the possibilities, then don’t be afraid to get out there and explore them. This could take you to some very unexpected places.

Your Card: The Sun

Aquarius, you are at your happiest and most content when you are getting what you want, how and when you want it. Well, be prepared for a week brimming with delight. This week, you will be riding high as life seems to bend to your every whim. You may need to make some serious decisions soon, but try not to let the future bog you down. Savor the ease of enjoyment this week.

Your Card: 7 of Pentacles

Wishing, waiting, hoping you are patiently (or impatiently) awaiting to receive the fruits of your labor. You have been most careful, tending to the soil, watering and nurturing—what more can you do? The answer is nothing, dear Pisces. Now, you play the waiting game. As frustrating as this may be, culmination will only come, in this case, if you are fully dedicated to your cause. Abundance is imminent, but patience is key.

Your Card: 3 of Cups

It’s a party, Aries! This week is all about celebrations with good friends and new! With Thanksgiving just around the corner, you have much to be thankful and hopeful for. Some area of your life has mended itself and you are moving forward into a possible new opportunity. Although it is always good to have new options presenting themselves, you may be a little on the fence about this one. Take your time weighing the pro’s and cons so you don’t end up with regrets later on. In the meantime, honor your accomplishments!

Your Card: Knight of Cups

Signed, sealed, delivered—this could be your theme song this week, Taurus. You have a lovely message to relay and you are finally prepared to do it. With some gusto, I might add. Don’t try to play it too cool—speak from the heart. Sincerity will get you everywhere. I see that has been a long journey, but you are ready! Remember, timing is everything and there is a reason why the stars are aligned for you now. This will unfurl like a flower blooming in the palm of your hand. Revel in the universe’s big, warm blanket of love that it has provided you with now.

Your Card: Page of Pentacles

You are considering moving forward with something, dear Gemini. It looks like a project of some sort has caught your eye and captured your thoughts. This could be a big step in the right direction for you, now. On the other hand, you may be observing something this week that is not to your liking and you’re not quite sure what to do with this new information. Use this power for good, not evil, Gemini! Although you might like to spice things up with a little drama, you are treading dangerous territory if you interfere.

Your Card: 7 of Wands

I see this week being a little bit of a struggle for you, Cancer. You are coming off of a high and confidence boost from some exciting achievement or winning, but now you must stand your ground. Stay on track and don’t let others’ opinions or wants from you waiver what you know in your heart. It’s time to play a little defense! Continue moving forward on the path you’ve chosen. It will take time and a little discomfort, but you will come into your power.

Your Card: King of Cups

Dear Leo, you cool? You are trying your hardest to keep it together on the outside, while on the inside you are a mess of emotion. There is so much feeling going on this week, you can hardly contain yourself. Woo-sah! Taking some moments in the morning for daily meditation will help bring you back to center. Although you might feel a little scattered, likely this energy stems from some type of excitement due to a recent message or exchange. Ain’t nothing wrong with being excited about something! The people that matter will be happy for you. Don’t be too proud to show your feelings once in awhile.

Your Card: Death

Although this card may look a little scary, there is nothing to fear, Virgo! Death is a signifier of change. You are moving from one point to another, approaching new territory in your life. Keep in mind not to leave anyone behind during this time, likewise do not step on people to achieve this. It is likely this is a positive thing for you, as there may have been some struggle to get to this point. Remember, change is not to be feared but welcomed, as it is a sign of a fresh, new chapter coming into play.

Your Card: 8 of Pentacles

She works hard for the money! This week Libra, you are hyper-focused. You’re dedicating yourself to a cause that means a lot to you, so expect it to take up the majority of your time (and thoughts) for awhile. I see that you are motivated to build something substantial now. Although, this won’t be over night, with some elbow grease and tenacity—you have more than enough capability to achieve it!