Your Weekly Tarotscope for January 26 – February 1, 2020 Revealed

Theme of the Week: 6 of Swords You’re splitting your time or your resources in order to try to make the most of something

Photo: Labyrinthos

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Week: 6 of Swords

You’re splitting your time or your resources in order to try to make the most of something. It looks as if you think that by dividing and conquering, you’ll get to where you want to go faster or more efficiently. I’m not so sure that this is the case for this situation. While you do need to create more stability — and that will be a major key here — it doesn’t look like you are going about it the right way. Try a different tactic than you initially began with.  In order to get to the other side, I’m seeing that you may have to attempt multiple types of approaches before you find the one that works. Once you do, things will be so much smoother for you that it will almost seem like you’re cheating the system.


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Your Card: King of Wands


You’re smarter than your impulses, Aquarius. It’s all about mind over matter, this week. As much as someone might drive you crazy, or you want to throw your hands up in the air and say F this, take a moment to step back and get your head together. This is not the time to make any rash decisions. This is also not a time to follow your passions. This is the week to play smart and play hard. If you have ulterior motives in a certain situation, it will be really easy to blow it if you don’t keep your cool. Plan and strategize, then make your move. It’s the same idea as when people say things in the heat of the moment and come to regret it later. But lucky for you, you have the heads up so you don’t have to regret anything later! Stay conscious. Stop and take a breath when you feel the word vomit coming up.



Tarotscope HIpLatina Pieces

Your Card: Ace of Swords


I’m seeing that you could hear, or overhear, some new information. This would be particularly beneficial to either you or someone else close to you. This person doesn’t have to be personally close with you, they just may be in close quarters to you in some way: whether it be a colleague or a neighbor, etc. I’m seeing you holding all the chips, but that’s all you can really do. There’s nothing for you to take action with, yet the information is still somehow very useful. I see that this could have something to do with a long-standing affair or circumstance. Just hold onto it for now, and keep it to yourself. There is the potential to cause some immense pain or heartache.



Aries Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: 9 of Cups


Aries, you’re trying to present your best self. You want to make it look like everything is amazing. You’re doing amazing. All the things are fantastic. You may be trying to impress someone or perhaps, many people, and because of that there is a lot you’re keeping hidden beneath the surface. I see that your hope is by doing this that it will bring you to the place where you actually have all of these things that you’re striving for. In a sense, you’re faking it until you make it. But there are so many wonderful things that you do have to show, and they’re real. The more that you own those things and stop being so concerned about covering up what you don’t want anyone to see or realize, the less they will even think to go looking for it. Everyone will be too dazzled by the real you and all of your real talents.




Your Card: The Hierophant


So many people look up to you and you don’t even know it, Taurus. You look right past them. Not because you’re ignoring them, but because you don’t even realize that they’re looking at you. You’re too busy doing what you do, and doing it well. Take some time out to pat yourself on the back every once in a while. Also, it’s okay not to always be the one to fix everything or make it better. Remember that you always have the option to opt-out of a situation if it becomes too much of a burden for you. It is good and kind to be helpful, but don’t let it be at your own expense. Work on your boundaries. Don’t take on every charity case that comes your way.wp_*posts



Your Card: Judgement


You’re waiting for somebody to save you Gemini, but you can save yourself. All you have to do is think outside the box. Do some meditating. Search outside of your normal activities. That is where you’ll find the answers you’re looking for. I see you looking for signs in your daily life and guidance from people that you’re interacting with, but I don’t see that those are the places that you’re going to receive what you need now. Don’t be so desperate to find it. You’ll know it when it reveals itself to you. Remember that the journey is also a part of your enlightenment. Stay open, but don’t reach. Let it come to you.



Cancer Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: 5 of Pentacles


I’m seeing some money that was promised to you, or that you expected to come in getting delayed for some reason, Cancer. This could also have to do with work. There may be a lull in projects, or you may be having a hard time finding jobs right now. But soon, you will receive your comeuppance. Someone has got your back. So this will get rectified sooner than later. I’m also hearing for others that something long-standing may be sucking your finances dry, or attempting to. This could be credit card debt, school loans, things of that nature. If you’re finding that you don’t have the money necessary to settle this at the moment, you will soon discover an opportunity to chip away at it, little by little. This will have a more positive impact than you think.




Your Card: 6 of Cups


Seeing you gave through the window of the past this week, Leo. I’m hearing “Those were the days.” This suggests to me that you’re looking back fondly. Some of you are missing your time with someone in particular with whom you hold a special place in your heart. If you are estranged from this person, this could be the ideal week to reach out. A situation will arise that gives you the perfect excuse to reestablish that connection. Keep it sweet, simple, and sincere. Consider presenting a token of affection, especially if you’re having a hard time finding the right words. I’m seeing your mind running away with thoughts of what could be or what will be after this interaction. Things can get better from here, as long as you open up your heart and leave your ego at the door.



Virgo Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: King of Cups


I’m seeing you acting very stubborn in one situation, in particular, Virgo. In your mind, you’re acting “mature” but the reality is you’re just being bullheaded. Don’t be afraid to step into your feelings. You don’t always have to take the levelheaded approach in life. It is inevitable that there will be things you’ll be passionate about and have strong feelings about. Let yourself get swept up in those things every once in a while. It will add so much color and a whole new level of depth to your life that you didn’t even know could exist. Practice letting yourself go. Get loose, ride the wave, and see where it takes you — if just this once.




Your Card: Justice


You are the middleman in a situation this week, Libra. It is now up to you to keep the peace and restore the balance. Luckily, this is your forte. You have the unique ability to be able to see both sides of a situation and work out a solution that is best for everyone. Use your great powers of diplomacy to help dissolve this issue as quickly and as adeptly as possible. What you say goes, now, so try not to let your own biases sway you. Your fair ruling could earn you a more permanent position in this type of role. If that is something that appeals to you, then, by all means, give it 100%. But if it doesn’t, follow Paris Hilton’s advice: “If someone ever asks you to do something for them, do it really bad so you never have to do it again.”




Your Card: Page of Wands


You are making your way down your journey of self-discovery, Scorpio. Recently, you have worked through an especially difficult part of that journey. But now, it is plateauing. And by plateauing I mean the terrain is evening out and getting a little bit smoother as you move forward. Each step you take from here you should find is much easier than the steps you’ve left behind you. You’ve learned so much from all of this, and I can see how excited you are to put this knowledge to the test. Just make sure you’re taking strategic risks and not irresponsible ones. Your past mistakes aren’t following you anymore, so be careful not to ruin this blank slate by creating new ones in its place.




Your Card: The Magician


Everything is coming up roses for you now, Sagittarius. This is a great period of growth for you, so utilize it wisely. You have everything you need in order to get what you want, to do you want, and most importantly, to be who you want. Use your powers to improve your life rather than letting a power trip drag you into the mud. It would be a huge disservice to yourself to waste what you have in your hands right now. You may not be able to see the big picture yet, but if you focus your efforts in a positive and constructive way, it will all come together harmoniously. Sooner than you anticipate, you will be able to garner the results of your manifestations.




Your Card: 6 of Pentacles

Tarotscopes HipLatina

As energy transfers and shifts, so does money. Money in itself is an exchange of energy. Your job pays you, pay your landlord, your landlord pays their mortgage, and so on and so forth. It is an ever-revolving cycle. You might feel like you’re putting out more energy than you are receiving now, Capricorn. But the universe likes things in balance, so expect that you will receive what is coming to you in due time. And I am seeing that you may just receive more than you anticipate getting. You’ve got the golden ticket. I’m hearing that something may come to you that you forgot about from the past. But there is a reason why there was a delay, and that it is returning to you now. Keep a special eye out for this, because you don’t want to miss it.

In this Article

aquarius aries cancer candles capricorn clairaudient clairsentient clairvoyant crystals essential oils full moon gemini gems horoscope leo libra magic new moon psychic readings sagittarius scorpio tarot tarot cards tarot reader taurus virgo zodiac
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