Your Weekly Tarotscope for July 14 – July 20, 2019 Revealed

Theme of the Week: 10 of Cups The 10 of Cups is our main theme this week

Photo: Labyrinthos

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Week: 10 of Cups

The 10 of Cups is our main theme this week. It speaks of happiness, togetherness, and a sense of family. You are finally home and it is all starting to come together. Things aren’t always perfect, but with the right ones by your side at least it can feel that way — if only for a moment. This is a time to count your blessings and keep those who are important to you known and near. There is much to be thankful for and happy about now, do not be ashamed to show it.


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Cancer Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: 4 of Swords


The 4 of Swords is your pull this week, Cancer. It is showing a wave of calmness about to enter your world now. People, places, and situations you were once worrying yourself with are all falling by the wayside. You are successfully separating from that which breeds toxicity in your life and you are beginning to reap the benefits. Notice the difference in how you are feeling day-to-day. Meditation is important this week in order to maintain your detached state. Enjoy things being much simpler and at ease, for the time being.




Your Card: The Tower


The Tower falls in your lap this week, Leo. The Tower is a card of destruction and chaos, but it is also a card of rebuilding. In order to build a strong foundation, you must first break the weak one down. This week, it looks as if s**t will be hitting the fan, but in the best way possible. This moment will allow you to take something that has been burning for a while, finally, knock it down to its core (where it’s most vulnerable), and then begin to repair and rebuild higher than ever. This can be a tough card, but the most beautiful, transformational time is just around the corner.



Virgo Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: Queen of Cups


The Queen of Cups is your card this week, Virgo. She is laser-focused on herself and what is in her best interest. She operates from a place of unconditional love, but at the same token, knows that in order to love others properly, she must also love herself. In this, lies how you will be feeling this week, Virgo. While you may have instances where you want to people please, set your boundaries and figure out a way to show you care without having to sacrifice your own peace and self-love. Find the balance between what people want and what they need from you as a friend, family member, colleague, etc.




Your Card: Wheel of Fortune


The Wheel of Fortune makes its way to you this week, Libra. The WoF is a major arcana card, which means this is kind of a big deal. I’m hearing you pulling a little “switcharoo” that may not be in your best interest. This could be accompanied by many consequences, so you might want to think things through before making any real moves. Remember, we are in the middle of not only Mercury Retrograde but a major eclipse season! Now is not the time for any big changes, rash decisions, or commitments. Consider all of the elements and outside factors. If you must make a move, make it as gentle and slow-acting as possible.




Your Card: Ace of Swords


The Ace of Swords has come to you this week, Scorpio. The AoS is smart, swift, understanding, and honorable. There is a new development in an area of your world, and it looks as if things are just starting to unfold. The information you receive may make you unsure. Try not to jump to any conclusions. You just don’t have enough information yet to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. Don’t focus so much on solving the mystery right now. Everything will eventually fall into place, but it is impossible for you to gain a complete understanding of this situation. Things are much deeper than they appear.



Tarotscope Sagittarius HipLatina

Your Card: Page of Swords


The Page of Swords is your pull this week, Sag. The PoS is into trying new things, taking chances, and fighting for what he believes in. He is willing to take a risk to get what he wants. You are putting yourself out there this week “though your hands be shaky and your knees be weak.” Do not talk yourself out of reaching your goal. And don’t worry, your confidence WILL rise to the occasion. Truly, the hardest part is just showing up. Once you do that, you have already won half the battle.



Capricorn HIpLatina TarotScope

Your Card: 9 of Cups


The 9 of Cups sits in front of you this week, Cap. He is smug, proud, protective, and a collector of sorts. Some may argue he has worked long and hard to build his collection of cups, hence the expression of pride. You have come to a similar place as the 9oC, Cap. Blood, sweat, and tears have gone into a venture and you are dying to reveal what you have to show for yourself. It is in your best interest to wait just a smidge longer. It will be everything you hoped for and more. You will not be sorry you waited.




Your Card: Page of Wands


The Page of Wands is your card for this week, Aquarius. The PoW is moving forward down his path. There may be some small obstacles, but this ain’t his first rodeo. He has been down this road before many times. You may think you have been here before too, Aqua, but you could be in for a surprise. History does repeat itself, but it does not always take the route you expect. The best thing you can do is equip yourself. Set yourself up for success before setting out on your journey and you will do well.



HIpLatina Tarotscope Pisces

Your Card: Strength


Strength has come to you this week, Pisces. Strength is a card of not only physical, or outer strength, but of harnessing inner power. Just as the lion is being tamed in the Strength card, you are set to diffuse a disconcerting situation this week. You are the only one with the ability to do this the right way, so get in there and make it happen. Be everything you know yourself to be. This is your nature, and so often we don’t have the opportunity to use our innate abilities in such a big way. Do not shy away. You were put here for a reason.



HIpLatina Tarotscope Aries

Your Card: 5 of Cups


The 5 of Cups is your card this week, Aries. The 5oC suffers loss, grief, and stress. But, most of all, he is only focused on those things. He could have lost all of his cups, but still has two remaining. He is only looking at the negative side of his situation, rather than having gratefulness in his heart for the positive. This is what you need to stay aware of this week, Aries. Even when all hope seems lost, remind yourself of all the greatness that remains. Don’t let yourself get stuck. This is the perfect time to start implementing the 5-minute rule! You allow yourself to be sad about anything: for 5 minutes. After your 5 minutes are over, you wipe those tears and figure out how you’re going to move forward.



Taurus HIpLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: Page of Cups


The Page of Cups has been pulled for you this week, Taurus. The PoC is a curious one. He’s caught something, but he doesn’t quite know what to do with it. He is interested but unsure. This applies to your situation this week, Taurus. You think you might want to, but at the same time, you are asking yourself if you should. If you feel that this is truly something good for you and could be in your best interest, take the opportunity and see what happens. If you suspect trickery or something just doesn’t add up, just take the money and run. Cut your losses and leave with your dignity intact.




Your Card: Page of Pentacles


The Page of Pentacles comes to you this week, Gem. The PoP is an observer, rather than a doer. He is new and curious. He has respect and admiration for those in his close circle. He has dreams of those he wishes were in his circle. You may be going gaga over the idea of something, or someone, now Gem. But it looks like you will be brought back down to earth sooner than later. You will have to deal with reality, but it won’t be as disappointing as you suspect. You can still make this work, but you must be willing to build a foundation from a more realistic and practical place.

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