Your Weekly Tarotscope for June 16 – June 22, 2019

Theme of the Week: 3 of Pentacles This week the 3 of Pentacles comes to us saying, “Let’s make a deal

Photo: Labyrinthos

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Week: 3 of Pentacles

This week the 3 of Pentacles comes to us saying, “Let’s make a deal.” This is all about working an issue out between you and another person or persons. Your best bet is to have a plan in place so that you may plead your case in the most effective possible way. You might not initially have the upper hand in this situation, but do not let that deter you from getting what you want now. Things are more likely than not set in your favor. This is an opportunity that can be lost as easily as it is won, so do not take it for granted!


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Gemini Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: 9 of Swords


The 9 of Swords is showing me that something is keeping you up at night this week, Gemini. As another birthday passes and your season comes to a close, certain realities are beginning to catch up with you. The future is never definite, Gem. Worrying will not get you far. Sometimes, in order to grow, we must put ourselves in positions of discomfort. I’m hearing that it is important you focus on moving forward towards your future, live in the present, and turn your back on the past. Looking behind you is not in your best interest, although there is a sense of comfort there that may be tempting. For what you will get out of it — it isn’t worth it. Toughen up and put things in perspective. You’ve made your bed, now lay in it.




Your Card: 5 of Cups


The 5 of Cups brings with it a bit of somberness this week, Cancer. You have much to be grateful for, you just can’t — or won’t — see it right now. You are much too busy focusing on the things that aren’t working out how you’d like them to. The irony is, those things you believe are lost ARE actually conspiring in your favor now! It simply isn’t being presented to you yet. You know what they say, “Timing is everything.” Fear not because you will soon receive a sweet gift of reassurance that things are getting on track. From here, the bridge to happiness is a much shorter and smoother journey than you think.



Leo Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: 3 of Swords


The 3 of Swords pricks you a second time this week, Leo! Your heart is in pieces and you are attempting to hold it all together by separation? Did that sentence even make sense to you? Well, that should give you a hint as to how effective your method is. Things have been difficult on your heart lately and it is really bringing your vibe down. I’m feeling this may be a tricky situation for one reason or another, but in order to restore peace, you must truly mend the pieces of your heart. Whether that is taking one piece to hold space for the memory of someone, then taking another and actually restoring a relationship, only you know what will make you feel whole again. Try not to let yourself be fooled by surface logic or ego now, instead, use only your heart to decide and repair.



Virgo Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: Page of Swords


The Page of Swords is fighting for you to try something new this week, Virgo. You may not totally know what you’re doing – but who cares! The point is that you tried. There is no such thing as failure. It is all a learning experience. And if you never ask, or never try, the answer will always be no. Have I convinced you to get out there and go for it yet? Sometimes in life, you have to fake it ’till you make it and now is one of those times. Don’t be afraid of what you don’t know now, be more afraid of never knowing it.



Libra HipLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: The Empress


The Empress eases into your week now, Libra. She is here to let you know that it’s all gravy, baby. Things are flowing in the right direction and you’ve got everything going for yourself. You call the shots this week, so don’t be afraid to step into that role. You don’t have to be scary and domineering to be a leader. You can be merciful, creative and insightful. If you get comfortable enough here, you may have the opportunity to make this a more permanent state of being. Let yourself come into your own and let this natural creation grow and flow.



Scorpio Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: 6 of Swords


The 6 of Swords gets you through this week, Scorpio. Things may be a little choppy at the moment with others, but this week the 6 of Swords is saying it will all start to smooth out. Matters will be talked through (or argued through for some of you) but either way, you will be seemingly getting on track to a better place. Now, I say ‘seemingly’ because simply smoothing things over then going back to old habits does not actually make things better. Whatever the issue is here, take it as something you need to learn and improve yourself from for the long-term.



Tarotscope Sagittarius HipLatina

Your Card: Queen of Wands


The Queen of Wands is in your corner this week, Sag. She is your cheerleader, reassuring you that you got this! It doesn’t matter what you don’t know as far as a certain commitment goes now, all that really matters is you believe in yourself. You will never go the distance if you don’t think it is possible. You know the risk, you know the reward, and the reward has the potential to outweigh the risk if things work out, so don’t lose out on this because of negative self-talk. You are worthy of all good things, you just have to accept it.




Your Card: 2 of Cups


The 2 of Cups is here to do some damage control, Cap. Things may have gone overboard recently in an area of your life and now it is time to clean up that mess. “All’s well that ends well” so I wouldn’t be too worried about it. The key this week is going out of your way to make amends and put all the pieces back together. You might be met with a slight initial resistance, but you should be able to sweet talk your way into good graces in no time. People just want to know you care when it all comes down to it.



Aquarius Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: 6 of Cups


Fuzzy, watercolored memories are making their way to you this week says the 6 of Cups, Aquarius. Someone from your past could be popping up, or perhaps you’ll be stuck in your own daydreams of yesteryear. Either way, old times will be at the forefront now and will be giving you much to think about. Considerations are underway for something you are interested in building or putting together, so something in particular from your past may be acting as a catalyst of inspiration to you. It is good to have dreams, Aquarius, but don’t put too much stock in them just yet.




Your Card: Knight of Wands


The Knight of Wands sprints into your life this week, Pisces. Some excitement rides in, but this isn’t a permanent stay so enjoy it while it lasts! A quick getaway or unexpected rendezvous could be in the works for you right now, whatever it is just know it will be fun! This is a whirlwind adventure and one that will likely leave you a little dizzy after all is set and done so try not to form any attachments. This is your test. Learn how to enjoy being in the moment without forming expectations for the future. It is time to just enjoy the now.



Aries HipLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: Strength


Which way to the gun show, Aries? Strength is your message this week. You are going to be flexing those muscles ⁠— showing off what you got and what you can do. I’m hearing that you are trying to impress someone you seek approval from. Showing off your strengths is great, but as we all know, when we sense someone is trying too hard, it starts to feel inauthentic and usually becomes a turn-off. Put your best foot forward, but also make sure you are staying true to yourself. Don’t get lost in the sauce, Aries!



Taurus HIpLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: 10 of Cups


The 10 of Cups welcomes you home this week, Taurus. It really is a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Loved ones take front and center and, especially for you, this warms your heart. There is an air of a new and beautiful dawn looming for you and it should feel really good. I hear you might be receiving something that you’ve been waiting on for a long time. This could be an apology or a mutual understanding that mends a riff and makes all right with the world again. You can finally move on with light in your heart.

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