Your Weekly Tarotscope for March 1 – March 7, 2020 Revealed

Theme of the Week: The Hierophant You are being perfectly placed right now

Photo: Labyrinthos

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Week: The Hierophant

You are being perfectly placed right now. You can make anything happen on even the slightest whim. It is as if you don’t need to take action yourself for anything to get done. There are those who are more than willing to do it for you. I’m starting to see that this could be a choice between two people — romantically for some of you — or a choice between two jobs. This could be a decision you need to make between the past and the future. But it is not about what anyone else wants in this situation, it’s all about what you want. I’m seeing that if you play your cards right, both of these options will remain for you. So, there really is no major risk involved. The only risk that lies in this situation is your approach. If you cover your eyes and point, rather than make a well-thought-out and resolute choice, a commitment will be made for you. Take control of your life. Don’t let others’ expectations dictate it for you.



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Your Card: Knight of Wands


Pisces, I’m seeing you out of control right now— just all over the place. For some of you, this chaotic energy lies in your head. You could be feeling very scattered during this time. For others, I’m seeing you running around and this sense of chaos is more on the outside, surrounding you in your day-to-day life. Your hair is a mess, you’re spilling your coffee, you push the door when you should be pulling, your life is feeling very touseled. I feel like you’re trying to get this all done in hopes of some type of achievement. Whether it is a situation where you need to pay your dues at work to climb your way up, or you feel like you really need to impress someone in order to get something you want from them — the irony is that whatever you’re doing that’s causing all of this chaos is in order to get you to a place where you have a sense of control. Try not to get so used to this energy that it becomes a habit. Once you acquire what you’ve set out for, drop it. Living in this manner in the future will not benefit you.wp_*posts


Aries Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: 4 of Swords


There is a divide between what you want and what you need, Aries. You can’t survive on fulfilling only one of these. If you settle for one, you’ll never get both. And therefore you’ll never feel whole. It’s as if you have changed an aspect of yourself to push down whatever isn’t being nurtured or paid attention to. But, that doesn’t mean it has gone away. It simply lies dormant within you. There is a saying that goes, “Don’t poke a sleeping bear.” In this case, though, in order to feel fully alive again and come to a true sense of fulfillment within yourself — you’re going to have to. For some of you, this could be a little scary I’m hearing, but you have all the armor you need. Having a meditation session or two could really clear your mind up and put you in the right space to handle what’s next. Don’t let others influence you or convince you that you’re doing fine and can live without something you know is important to you. You know what and who is best for yourself deep down.




Your Card: Page of Cups


Taurus, it looks like you are on a diet. You’re changing the way that you eat or consume something. This could be the consumption of something that’s not food-related as well, as in you’re trying to watch less TV or not to stalk your ex on social media so often — things of that sort. For some of you, this could also mean that your perception of something you take in daily has changed. I’m seeing you being tempted, but kind of placing the burden on someone else. As if you are living vicariously through them to get your fill without cheating yourself. I’m seeing this as a long-term struggle for you. Your desire is not going to go away overnight, but you have the willpower to push through. Stay strong, Taurus!




Your Card: 5 of Wands


I’m getting a BIG message for you, Gemini. It’s “A leopard never changes its spots.” This situation could be pointed to you, or someone else in your life. Either way, a person’s nature is always going to be their nature. As much as you might try or push or argue, some things will never change. You either have to accept them as they are, or move on without them. It looks like you’ve been trying to make it work, but the reality is that’s how it’s going to stay. You will keep fighting the rest of your life for this thing that will never come to fruition. You can’t always get what you want, how you want it. You may have great and valid arguments, but when it comes down to it — it doesn’t matter. It is what it is. I suggest that you take a step back and begin to think about what you want to do next. Is this something you can live with?



Cancer Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: The Tower


Cancer, I am seeing that something is going to be broken down in order to be completely rebuilt and restructured in your life. This is actually really great news, although at first, it might seem a little jarring. It will quickly improve the status of your life on a major scale. You would never think that certain seemingly random aspects of your life are connected, but when one thing changes, you realize the snowball effect it commences. That is exactly what is happening now, in the best way possible. I’m not even feeling like you’re going to have much of a hard time with this although it is such a big, transformational time for you. This is going to be one of the easiest major transitions you have. It will be exciting, it will be a little bit nerve-racking, but again — in the best possible way. Try to enjoy the fun and action-packed adventure that you are about to encounter. Not everyone gets to experience something like this in their lives.wp_*posts



Your Card: Page of Pentacles


Leo, you’re taking steps towards your goals, but it looks like you’re going at a painfully slow pace. If you go ANY slower, you won’t be going anywhere at all. You’re getting stuck in the planning stages, or just simply stuck in your head altogether. Therefore, this is keeping yourself on the outside of the project. Just dive right the F in. Don’t think, just do. You have the luxury of making mistakes right now. It’s okay to do something, realize it doesn’t work, then go back and change it. It doesn’t have to be perfect the first time. In fact, you really aren’t going to know if something is going to work until you try it out anyway. This is a game of trial and error. Let yourself blunder. Every failure is one step closer to success. Make a mess. Have fun. Most importantly right now, let yourself enjoy the process.



Virgo Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: Knight of Cups


Virgo, you are on the right path. There is a lot of help for you along the way, you just need to recognize it. I’m seeing you so focused on your plans and the message that you want to put into the universe, or give the world, that you aren’t utilizing your resources. You can’t do this alone. Teamwork makes the dream work. You are going to need others in order to get to the next level. It is great to be focused, but you need to stay open. Don’t close yourself off from new people or ideas that you encounter along the way. They aren’t there to throw you off track, but to assist you. Also, I’m hearing not to get so caught up in romance because that will deter you from your current quest. Give love and receive love, but don’t let it become your new focus. You will have a chance for that later. Don’t worry, you aren’t missing out on anyone. If you become enamored, and they are meant for you in some way, you will have your time with them.




Your Card: Ace of Swords


I am seeing a really important partnership coming for you, Libra. You are making all the right decisions without even realizing it. This is putting you on the fast track to the top. This is really just the beginning for you. It might seem like you have been working towards a goal for a while, but the reality is that what is in motion right now is where things really are going to take off for you. You will understand this more as it unfolds, but know that it is well deserved and you are the best man for the job. You have shown time and time again your extraordinary capabilities and it is not gone unrecognized. Even if it is not shown directly to you, you are appreciated and acknowledged behind the scenes. I am hearing that some type of project or a job couldn’t have been/ be done without you. Kudos to you, Libra!wp_*posts



Your Card: 7 of Cups


Scorpio, I’m seeing an irrational fear creeping up on you. It looks like you’re scared to pursue something that you want, or make a decision about it. Don’t settle for something that you’re not going to be 100% happy with. If you’re going to go for it, go all the way. “Go big or go home.” Don’t let “what if’s” or past disappointments influence your thought process now. It is a new day, this is a new situation — work from what you have here and now. Don’t make decisions based on the past. If you do, you’re choosing the poisoned cup and only hurting yourself. I’m feeling really frustrated for you because it seems like you have always truly known what you should do in a situation, but you make fear-based decisions for yourself. And that is why nothing has been working out for you the way that you want it. That’s why you’re not in the place that you truly want to be in yet. Break the cycle.




Your Card: 9 of Pentacles


“Poor little rich girl.” Sag, you have an abundance at your fingertips but it’s like you don’t even care. You’re still unsatisfied. In one sense, you’re in the exact place you want to be right now. But in another, very real sense, you feel empty. You need to stop trying to fill yourself with what you think is going to make you feel successful or complete and nurture the things in life that really are going to make you feel whole. Before you pursue that, though, you’re going to have to take the time out to recognize what those things are. Right now your intentions are a bit misplaced. Your ideas are a bit misguided. Look tor someone you admire and trust. Someone who knows you inside and out. They could be a very good source of insight and inspiration for you moving forward. They could see something from the outside that you can’t see because you’re too close to the situation.




Your Card: King of Pentacles


I’m seeing you sleeping with one eye open, Cap. You’re coming to a place where you feel like you have to watch your back. It’s unclear whether this is with certain people or just a feeling of distrust in general, but know that there are those who are also watching your back for you. You have some loyal friends and/ or family, that 100% gotchu even when you’re not looking. I’m seeing that there are people that are on your side who you can trust that you may not even be aware of. You know them, but you would never expect them to be as loyal as they actually are to you. I’m seeing a lot of protection around you. Don’t worry yourself so much about unsavory characters penetrating your circle. Others will likely weed them out for you.




Your Card: 4 of Cups


Aquarius, I see you sitting there up on your high horse, not accepting any less than you think you deserve. But you may want to take a second look. There could be hidden opportunities in what you’re so quick to dismiss. I understand it doesn’t look as good on the surface as some of your other options (if there are any). But, just because it doesn’t come in a pretty package, doesn’t mean there isn’t something of high value inside. It could be worth your while to explore this. Take a second look and don’t jump to conclusions. Don’t act spoiled now. You will eat your words if you do.

In this Article

aquarius aries cancer capricorn gemini horoscope leo libra mercury retrograde pisces sagittarius scorpio tarot tarot card tarot reading Tarotscope taurus virgo zodiac
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