Your Weekly Tarotscope for May 19 – May 25, 2019 Revealed

Theme of the Week: The Fool The Fool ushers in this week with the hope of a new beginning



Theme of the Week: The Fool

The Fool ushers in this week with the hope of a new beginning. But in order for there to be a start, there must also be an end. You must be complete with the journey which preceded this, otherwise, it will be like getting back on the same ride all over again. What are you doing differently this time? Where does this path lead for you? Create a clear vision of the life you want for yourself in both the near future and distant. It will only be once this is established that you can kick off a new emergence with confidence and coherent direction.



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Your Card: 6 of Wands


The 6 of Wands is your message this week, Taurus, guiding you to have more confidence in yourself. It is often difficult to remember that we are our own worst critic. What we perceive as a shortcoming can be identified by another as good character. Fake it ’till you make it if you must, but try not to rely on others for validation. Be your own biggest cheerleader because the way you see yourself and love yourself is what matters the most at the end of the day. You are the only person you are guaranteed to end up with.




Your Card: Justice


Justice makes an appearance for you this week, Gemini. Decisions can be hard when there are so many factors to consider, but regardless, one must always be made in order to move forward. You are weighing things out: the pros and cons, this versus that, all the what-ifs. At this point, Gemini, you are really just stalling for time and delaying the inevitable. Bite the bullet and pull the trigger. Whatever happens, happens and you’ll deal with it. There is no outcome that will completely ruin your life, only take it in a new direction. Look at this as an exciting adventure.




Your Card: Queen of Cups


The Queen of Cups visits you this week, dear Cancer. She comes to you with a sentiment for self-love, now. If you have a tendency to put yourself and your needs on the back burner for others, it is time to put those days to an end. You show others how to treat you and if you don’t put yourself at number one, who will? It is time to take care of yourself. Ask what would you do for someone else that you aren’t doing for yourself? Even the smallest things can make a big difference. You are a queen! Conduct yourself as such.




Your Card: The Lovers


Leo, The Lovers makes its way to you this week. Though there are only two people in the card, there are four figures. A man, woman, snake and an angel presiding over all of them. You are so wrapped up in something on the ground floor that you might be having a hard time seeing the big picture. You are consistently just beyond the reach of a goal and up until this point, it has truly eluded you as to why. I’m seeing the sun shining down and illuminating your answer now. Take this information and do something with it to change your circumstances and outcome once and for all.



Virgo Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: 2 of Wands


The two of Wands is here for you this week, Virgo. It is showing you that you are not as limited as you believe yourself to be. There are more options and opportunities out there for you. You just have to be brave and take a step towards them. The unknown can be a bit frightening, but everything you are so familiar with now was once hidden, too. Take a moment to let your imagination soar free and contemplate the possibilities ahead of you. Once you do, it is time to take that first step.



Libra HipLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: 4 of Pentacles


Libra, the 4 of Pentacles is front and center this week yelling, “SAVE!” He is emphasizing, above all, the importance and need for saving in your life. Whether this is an old stuffed animal you find while you are cleaning out the attic, or working on your 401K, you will understand when the opportunity presents itself. Pentacles are the physical plane, so they are anything material such as monetary value, the physical body, anything tangible. So if you keep getting sick and you can “save” your body with a juice cleanse, consider this the green light to get on top of it! Your future-self will thank you.



Scorpio Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: 7 of Cups


The 7 of Cups enters for you this week, Scorpio and it looks as if you are having some pretty grand illusions about things. You’ve got big dreams, but with nothing tangible to lay the foundation on, that is all they will ever be – dreams. It is time to get real and create a plan for making these goals a reality, or stop complaining that they aren’t manifesting because the universe is against you. The universe is not against you, and the bigger a pity party you throw for yourself, the longer you will stay in your undesirable situation because that is precisely where you want to be. Believe and make it happen!



Tarotscope Sagittarius HipLatina

Your Card: 6 of Pentacles

Tarotscopes HipLatina

You are being visited by the 6 of Pentacles this week, Sag. Life is made up of a series of cycles. Money comes and money goes. You go to work and your boss pays you, you pay your landlord, your landlord pays the mortgage, the cycle continues. Sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down, but there is always motion happening. This week is all about the “you win some, you lose some” mentality. Amongst all of this coming and going, the universe prefers the scales to stay in balance. So eventually, they always even out. If you are on the “lose some” side this week, know that retribution is inevitable.



Capricorn HIpLatina TarotScope

Your Card: Queen of Pentacles


The Queen of Pentacles has a message for you this week, Cap. In order for anything to grow, it must be nurtured. Realize that nurturing and forcing are two different things. When you nurture something, you are giving it what it needs to flourish gently, precisely, and at its own pace. Think about all the beautiful organisms that develop so perfectly through simple nurturing. Every detail is truly a wonder. When you force things, many times corners are cut. There isn’t a proper foundation beneath and it becomes a bit lackluster. Keep this in mind while you pursue a goal now. It may take longer, but you’ll end up with something you can be proud of in the end.




Your Card: 2 of Pentacles


Aquarius, the 2 of Pentacles has a message for you this week. Did you grow up wanting to be a clown? Because you are juggling way too much right now. You are not so much being pulled in all different directions, you are simply taking on too much, yourself. Just because you can be superwoman doesn’t always mean you should be. You are on the path to burnout with all this up and down and back and forth. Figure out what you need to focus on first and tackle things one at a time. Otherwise, start delegating. Either way, you can’t keep up this pace much longer!




Your Card: Queen of Swords


The Queen of Swords is here this week Pisces, and she’s saying it is time to cut the s–t! It is long overdue for you to be open and honest with not only others, but yourself. It is a new day, my friend. Harboring resentments and trying to push your own needs aside – those times are over! In order to move forward, you have to get all of those thoughts out. I’m not saying march into your boss’ office and give her the what’s what, but if you need to, get it all out on paper or go take a paint class and splash all of your unacknowledged feelings onto a canvas. However you decide to purge, it is necessary to get those toxic feels out and onto anything that isn’t just sitting there in the pit of your stomach.




Your Card: King of Swords


The King of Swords says what up to you this week, Aries. He has got a lot of ideas swirling around that head of his but being the King, he has matured enough to know when to speak out about them and when it is in his best interest to hold his tongue. Sometimes, things are better left unsaid. This is his message to you this week, Aries. Sit back and watch everyone else play themselves in the spotlight. Meanwhile, you observe and learn from their mistakes, enabling you to make your own fast – and intelligent – moves.

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