Your Weekly Tarotscope for September 8 – September 14, 2019 Revealed
Theme of the Week: Knight of Wands The Knight of Wands is the theme this week, and he is coming in guns blazing! The Knight is taking no prisoners now

Photo: Labyrinthos
Theme of the Week: Knight of Wands
The Knight of Wands is the theme this week, and he is coming in guns blazing! The Knight is taking no prisoners now. It is all at your fingertips and up for grabs. Life is for those who act, not who take their time mulling things over. This is a time for action and decisiveness, although that decision may not be set in stone, one does need to be made. The best thing we can do is trust our instincts and take a chance. Be flexible and look at the next week as an exciting adventure that has the possibility to shape our future in great and creative ways. Regardless of how it seems, there is no real, permanent commitment here. Things in life rarely pan out how we anticipate, and the way the Knight rides in and out this week will be no exception.

Your Card: 5 of Pentacles

The 5 of Pentacles is how your week is unfolding, Virgo. Things seem a little slow and arduous — like you are trudging through muck right now. It is going to be a little difficult to see the end game here, but you must have faith that there is one looming just around the corner. “It is always darkest before the dawn.” As hopeless as it may seem, keep pushing through. You will find a way to get in out of the cold. The risk you take this week will be well worth the reward.

Your Card: Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords is your buddy this week, Libra. The Ace is showing you what is best for you and, in fact, bringing you down that path. No guessing games involved. You will be sure, astute, and convicted in your decisions. What a rare and exciting time for you! Enjoy these moments, because soon enough indecision and insecurity will be rearing its unwelcome head back into your world. Try not to let that overwhelm you. Remember how you felt this week and why. Maybe even write it down for you to look back on when those doubts start creeping in again. Take solice in knowing that this is simply fear of the unknown and there is nothing to be hesitant about.

Your Card: 10 of Swords

Take it easy on yourself this week, Scorpio. You are wearing yourself into the ground. Being a hard worker is a great quality, but you are of no good use to anyone — let alone yourself — if you are depleting your battery all the way down to zero. Think about your phone and how much longer it takes to charge up once it has completely shut down. This is you. It is better for you to take little breaks where you can and keep yourself at a reasonable level and health than to go gung-ho and drain everything you got all at once. Relax and take a step back. Not all will be lost if you do.

Your Card: 4 of Pentacles

Sag, once you take hold, you are never letting go. At least, that is the sentiment at the moment. This is especially meaningful for you as someone who has a hard time grounding themselves in certain areas of life. You understand the value of what you have right now and why it is so precious. Going through past situations, for one reason or another, you have not been able to truly keep a stronghold of anything like you have right now. While this is saying a lot, do not let yourself become desperate or feel as if this is your one and only chance for something you have perhaps secretly longed for. It is already yours, so take heed, not to self-sabotage.

Your Card: 4 of Wands

Capricorn, home has never looked so good as it does now. You have been on quite a journey and although it has been an experience, to say the least, sometimes there really is no place like the comfort and familiarity of your own home, and all the faces in it. Something may have happened while you were out there that has made you appreciate your humble abode that much more. Cherish those things that warm your heart to its core — whether it be a person, place, or thing. There are so many out there who aren’t half as lucky. When you give gratitude, you are sure to receive it.

Your Card: The Hermit

Aquarius, you have this looming idea in your mind that you are utterly alone. But, just like Lydia Deets in Beetlejuice, you are not as solitary as you believe. You have the choice to sequester yourself so you can hang on to this idea and wallow in self-pity, or you can choose to see how many of those in your life would jump if you just say how high. You have a bigger support system than you give yourself credit for. They just may not know you need their support right now. Reach out and you will soon see just how loved and supported you truly are.

Your Card: 3 of Pentacles

Pisces, you have some serious plans in the works right now. But, in order for these plans to manifest, they must be planted, grounded and tended to. Otherwise, they are not really plans so much as they are ideas. Feel free to search your imagination and give in to flights of fancy of what could be, but at some point, if you want to make these fantasies a reality, you will have to get down to business. It is coming time to put a real, well laid-out plan into motion. It’s time to think logistically.

Your Card: The Hanged Man

It looks like you could be putting your foot in your mouth this week, Aries. Or, compromising yourself in some way that makes things a little awkward. The good news is, you may actually be the only one who realizes this slip-up. Don’t just assume that everyone is thinking about it, but not saying it. Try to ride it out and try not to call attention to your faux pas. As far as you’re concerned (on the outside) it’s all gravy baby. Nothing to see here. You should slide through just fine as long as you don’t call yourself out. Keep those lips locked.

Your Card: Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups is filling you up with all the feels this week, Taurus. Things are piling and you are coming to a boiling point. There is only so much you can take before things become overwhelming and you blow your top. I see you like a little tea kettle right now! Your intention may be to heal a relationship or ongoing issue, but if this isn’t handled delicately, you could do more harm than good. And due to your fragile state, the one walking away in worse condition will likely be you. Remember to woosah. Seek balance and peace so you can calmly address your needs. Even if things do not work out ideally, getting back on the same team is a start.

Your Card: 5 of Swords

Take it or leave it is your motto this week, Gem. In your eyes, if they leave it, they’re not worthy. And if they take it – you’re in control. Therein lies your problem. No one wants to feel like they do not have free will. For things to work there must be an even exchange. Once the scales tip and demands are made, rather than compromise or understanding, the slope only becomes more slippery. The little damages become that much more effort to repair. Rather than letting something slip through your fingers due to foolish pride, make a concerted effort to work things out to all parties’ satisfaction.

Your Card: 6 of Swords

The 6 of Swords is giving you all the information you need to move forward and into a better place now. This may be a physical move or an intentionally altered perception of a situation. It has been a long, arduous struggle. You may not feel completely satisfied just yet, but you have come out with as much as you can hope for at this point. Vegas rules this week: Take your winnings and run. If you push your luck too hard, you could lose it all. This isn’t to say that you have gained all you are going to get. This simply means that you need to work with what you have in this moment. The story is not over, but for now, heed Reinhold Nieubuhr’s advice and accept the things you cannot change, have the courage to change the things you can, and have the wisdom to know the difference.

Your Card: 2 of Swords

There is so much going on outside of your window right now, Leo. Decisions need to be made, and it seems like the best option is simply avoiding taking any action at all. This is not because don’t care. It is quite the opposite. You are thinking yourself into a corner, which is only going to ice you out of all possibilities. In one sense, that might seem appealing you, as if it would relieve you of the burden of resposibility. Dear Leo, as the fox replies to the boy in The Little Prince, “You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.” What pains you most about this seperation? There is something that you cannot see or may not have not willingly recognized yet. You hold the answers, but first, you must have the courage to dig deep so you can see things for what they really are.