Your Weekly Tarotscope For December 16- Dec 22, 2018 Revealed

  Theme Of The Week: 2 of Wands As clairaudience (clear hearing) being one of my strongest intuitive pathways, many times when I pull a card I’ll be reminded of songs

Tarotscopes Dec 16-23, 2018 HipLatina


Theme Of The Week: 2 of Wands

As clairaudience (clear hearing) being one of my strongest intuitive pathways, many times when I pull a card I’ll be reminded of songs. For this week’s pull, I’m hearing “Stuck In The Middle With You,” by Stealers Wheel. You may be feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place and are unsure how to proceed. Trying to look at the situation from many different angles may leave you confused, rather than enlightened. The truth is, you have all the information you need. It is coming time to make a firm commitment and take that step into the void. Follow the pull of your passion. Go after what it is you know you want deep down, or prepare to leave it behind with the New Year. Remember, you have the power. Just because you think you have to leave something, doesn’t mean you’re powerless to change that. It’s in your hands now, but either path will be an especially charged, new beginning.


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Your Card: The Moon


Confusion is ruling your week, Sag. You might be in a fog or a daze, but something is clouding your mind and, therefore, your judgment. You might want to hold off on making any serious decisions or commitments until next week. Things you may think are being ‘exposed’ may actually be a simple misunderstanding on your part. Just ride it out. The sun will shine again and the world will make sense once more.




Your Card: 9 of Swords


You have pinned yourself into a corner and now you are plagued with anxiety, Capricorn. Whatever the stress is about will soon come to its lowest point, and then there’s only one way to go from there — up! At the very least, it can’t get any worse. Try to get a good nights sleep and trust that whatever will be, will be at this point. Overthinking will not help you work things out, it will only be a burden.



Aquarius Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: The Chariot


You are ready to take things full-speed-ahead! While it may be hard to separate yourself from the things you care about, you know in your heart you’ll still be connected. You’ve weighed your options carefully, and while emotionally things won’t be easy, you’re sure about the direction you’ve chosen. You know what is best for yourself now and your will is strong— stick to your guns.




Your Card: 4 of Pentacles

4 pentacles Tarotscope HipLatina

This week brings out a stubborn streak in you, Pisces. You’re holding on and never letting go — no matter what anyone says. Maybe friends or co-workers have tried to negotiate with you, but you don’t want to hear it. A word of warning, if you stay on this path you will successfully have secluded yourself and there will be no one but you to blame. Choose your thoughts, words, and actions carefully, unless you’re looking for some major alone time this holiday season.



HIpLatina Tarotscope Aries

Your Card: 3 of Pentacles


Contracts and negotiations rule your week, Aries. There are a lot of exciting things in the works for you! You were walking on rocky ground for a little while there and not quite sure what the future was going to look like. This former insecurity might cause you to hold on a little too tightly to an idea or a project, now. If things aren’t working out, or there is a difference of opinion, it would benefit you immensely to be flexible and compromise this week. Don’t risk getting your idea scrapped or being chopped from that exciting project altogether!



Taurus HIpLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: 9 of Wands


You’ve been through the wringer, Taurus. Do you have one more round left in you? That is what you’ll be deciding this week. Move ahead, or throw in the towel altogether. If you decide to try and keep going, you have a heavy load to carry, but you’re almost at the finish line. For better or for worse, you’ll finally get your answer. If you decide the juice isn’t worth the squeeze, things will begin to move very quickly in the alternate direction. The choice is yours.




Your Card: 8 of Cups


You want so desperately to take yourself to the next level, Gemini. This week you will be focused on just how you can make that dream a reality. If you’re tired of your station in life and ready to move up, the first thing you have to do is make peace with the past. Holding on to what didn’t work for you before isn’t going to work for you in the future either. It’s time for you to say, “Thank you, next.”




Your Card: The Hermit

Hermit Tarotscope HipLatina

The answers you seek are already within you, dear Cancer. You may be stuck in your shell this week, especially if you’re living in cooler climate regions like my home state, New York. You’re not simply pondering over issues, but brooding. Don’t be too concerned if you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel just yet. Things are changing now and in a big way. All will be understood in time. They say everything happens for a reason. Very soon, you’ll be able to decide that for yourself as the universes’ road seems to just roll out behind you.




Your Card: Page of Swords

Photo: Pixabay

You’ve had it up to here, Leo. You’ve hit rock bottom in a situation and now there’s nowhere to go but up. This week, you’re ready to take a new approach. Your voice may tremble and your knees may shake, but don’t let that stop you. The effort and willingness to try, in itself, will be enough to get you further than you ever have before. Taking initiative and being bold is admirable, but know when to tone it down if you find yourself getting straight-up aggressive. You have something to prove, not something to force. Act with valor, keep yourself in check and you’ll achieve something you can be proud of.



Virgo Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: King of Pentacles

Photo: Pixabay

You’re looking at your investments this week, Virgo. This could be investments you’ve previously made or ones you’re contemplating making. You’re taking your time to grow and nurture your wealth/ financial stability. If you’re not quite in the place to invest, now is the time to contemplate how to grow yourself into your desired position. This could spark a new interest or idea and inspire you to head down a whole new path!



Libra HipLatina Tarotscope

Your Card: 2 of Pentacles

Photo: Pixabay

Indecisiveness may be your middle name, Libra, but it would be fair to say things aren’t that smooth for you right now, either. It feels like you’re juggling your life, trying to balance it out but not quite being able to make heads or tails of things. An opportunity you took recently may have turned out to be something more difficult to handle than anticipated. Soon, you will have a better idea of where you stand, along with a more stable footing.



Scorpio Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: 7 of Swords

Photo: Pixabay

One step forward, 2 steps back. Stop frontin’, Scorpio. You’re acting like you want to get away from something, but all you keep doing is looking behind you. It can be hard to move on, but you will never do it if you continue to carry your past into your future. This will only constrict and bind you. Drop the baggage and free yourself once and for all!

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