#TBT: 7 Badass Michelle Rodriguez Quotes That Will Inspire You

It’s actress Michelle Rodriguez‘s birthday on July 12

Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Georges Biard

Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Georges Biard

It’s actress Michelle Rodriguez‘s birthday on July 12. In celebration, we are sharing some of her most badass and empowering quotes.

My Favorite Part of My Body is My Brain

In a workplace like Hollywood, where it seems that only looks matter, Michelle reminds us that the brain is the most important part of the body.

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There’s Always a Library


There are many intelligent kids who don’t mesh well with traditional schooling. Michelle Rodriguez was one such person, and let us know that education can be a lifelong pursuit, as easy as heading to the library.


Ignore the Ignorance

Michelle is not about being labeled. But, instead of getting mad, and letting people’s ignorance get to her, she smartly ignores it.


That’s Where Serendipity Comes In

Even if you want everything to be consistent in your life, we all know that is sometimes impossible. Rodriguez sees the silver lining of this, welcoming the serendipity that results from not being in control.


I Found My Peace


When you follow your heart, you are being real, and living your truth. This gives us (and Michelle Rodriguez) peace. wp_*posts

I’ll Keep Getting Up


When you think of Michelle Rodriguez, a strong woman often comes to mind. She backs this up with this quote on never giving up.


You Have to Struggle


Nothing is without struggle–even if you’re doing what you want in your life. Michelle knows this, and reminds us that it’s a thing we all must face.

In this Article

feminist Latina feminist Latinx feminist Michelle Rodriguez
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