11 Latinas Using Their Platforms to Empower Through Education
Academia is a difficult one to breakthrough especially as a woman and person of color, especially when it comes to Predominantly White Institutes (PWIs)

Photo: Unsplash/Kelly Sikkema
Academia is a difficult one to breakthrough especially as a woman and person of color, especially when it comes to Predominantly White Institutes (PWIs). According to a report from the Pew Research Center, Latinx adults are less likely to earn degrees in STEM and make up a lower share of STEM graduates relative to their share of the adult population. When we see a woman of color in white, male-dominated spaces it is a win for all of us and we can’t help but celebrate their accomplishments. Here at Hiplatina we are excited to highlight academic Latina who are trailblazers in their fields. From the world of tech with Genuinely Genesis to the medical field with doctor Leslie Gonzalez, here are 11 Latinas who are making strides and sharing their experience for other young Latinas to follow in their footsteps.
Stephanie Bueno – @bueno_stephanie
@bueno_stephanie Thank you to my papis for their sacrifices, proud daughter of immigrants and future physician!! 🇲🇽 🇧🇷 💛 #latinainmedicine #firstgen #whitecoat #medtiktok
Stephanie Bueno is a first-generation Latina using her platform to encourage any Latinas who are pursuing a career in medicine. Her Tiktoks include tips for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), struggles in medical school, and advice for admissions and scholarships. Bueno even has a series called “Medical Spanish for Dummies” where she breaks down basic terms to know when treating Spanish-speaking patients and alleviate language barriers in healthcare.
@genuinelygenesis #firstgen #interviewtips #careeradvice #LatinXCreatives #TiktokParter #jobinterviewquestions
Genesis is a first-generation Latina in tech addressing first-gen and Latinx struggles. From interview tips to email signatures to tech-industry specific content, Genesis has a little bit of everything for anyone looking to make progress in tech or any professional field.
@thefirstgenmentor Saving cash is not enough, you need to invest the money ! #latinxcreatives #personalfinance
Gigi is yet another first-gen Tiktoker spreading awareness on important topics related to financial education. She breaks down concepts like the Roth 401(k) and vesting schedule to educate people and shares helpful resources such as mentorship opportunities and financial literacy classes.
Norma Sepulveda – @tximmigrationlawyer
@tximmigrationlawyer #naturalization #questions 1-3 #abogadanorma #immigrationlawyer #citizenship
Norma Sepulveda is an inspiring academic Latina working as an immigration attorney. She shares engaging content covering immigration law including defining important terms to educate people who want to be better informed about their rights.Talk about power to the people!
Leslie Gonzalez – @drlesliegonzalez
@drlesliegonzalez Que tengan buen día! ☀️ #latinostiktok #tiktoklatino #latina #buenosdias
Dr. Leslie Gonzalez talks her followers through her struggles as a Latina in STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and even her academic journey to medical school. She taps into the issues and obstacles many first-gen Latinxs can relate to. In the midst of funny and educational videos, you’ll find words of affirmation and love dedicated to all the jefas out there.
Jennifer Leon Salinas – @MujeresxPsych
Jennifer León Salinas is an undocumented therapist and the founder of the Instagram account @MujeresxPsych. She created Mujeres in Psychology to bridge the gap between students and professionals in psychology. Through their endless resources and workshops, they work to encourage women of color to pursue a field dominated by white men.
Cindy Petrov – @OfficialLawtina
Cindy Petrov (@OfficialLawtina) is a law grad sharing resources and support to other “Lawtinas”. Among her work, she has a blog and a podcast “Ceiling Half Broken” where she empowers women and professionals to continue to move up in a career where Latinas make up only about two percent. Her social media feed is filled with helpful law school tips and messages of hope for all her followers.
Emerging Latina Researchers is a research community for Latinas and women of color. Aside from plugging helpful resources and scholarships to the community, they recently had their Emerging Latina Researchers Femtorship Program to provide undergraduates and Ph.D. candidates with a networking and community-building opportunity.
Michelle Sandoval – @LatinaTalksCollege
Michelle Sandoval is a Stanford alum and college coach, founder of Latina Talks College. As a coach, she provides guidance to high school students pursuing higher education. Her platform includes great guides on college-relevant topics such as the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) and scholarships available.
Jennifer – @AcademicLatina
Jennifer is a first-generation Sinaloense pursuing a PhD in Education, using her platform to help others navigate higher education. She shares her own experiences as a student with regular story time videos. She also includes informational graphics and much-needed empowering messages for first-genj college students.
Diana Iracheta – @Latina_Engineer
Diana is working in STEM to empower women in a field dominated by men. She hopes to make careers in STEM more accessible through the sharing of resources and support. She began hosting International Latina Engineer Week every October since 2020 which includes workshops and opportunities to network.