Ana Navarro Isn’t A Full-Time Co-Host on ‘The View’ Because of Meghan McCain
The View is the best telenovela on daytime TV show right now

Photo: Instagram/ananavarrofl
The View is the best telenovela on daytime TV show right now. It’s got fighting, yelling, people storming off — the drama is nonstop. One of the biggest reasons there’s so much tension and chaos on The View is because of resident Republican Meghan McCain. While The View has always been a place for intense discourse between the women, which is typically 4 to 1 liberal, these past couple of years have been even more incendiary because of the Trump Administration mess. McCain has no choice but to defend the GOP, and be a naysayer, even though she’s admittedly not a Trump fan. Now there’s gossip that McCain has more clout on The View than we ever anticipated.
The Daily Mail is reporting that McCain demanded ABC not hire Ana Navarro full-time, and instead urged them to hire her longtime friend Abbey Huntsmen. Last year, when The View was in the middle of hiring another co-talk show host — and the person had to be a Republican to balance out the table talk — it looked like Navarro was on the top of the list. Navarro is excellent on the show. She provides insightful feedback on what the Republican party used to be before President Donald Trump, though McCain has always questioned her GOP status, which is one the main things they fight about. But to hear that she reportedly didn’t want Navarro on there full-time is something else.
PLEASE! I am a fan of this show, … Get Meghan McCain some anger management training! She is often aggressive to the point of being abusive to her cohosts, and it is disturbing to witness. Other “conservatives”, like Ana Navarro, manage to make their point without histrionics.
— This Chicago Wife (@thischicagowife) January 10, 2019
“When ABC was considering hiring Navarro to replace former co-host Sara Haines in 2018, McCain said she would quit if she had to work with Navarro every day, the show source claims,” The Daily Mail reports, and add, “‘That’s how Ana ended up only doing one day a week,’ the source said.”
According to the article, Navarro has hit her stride and is a favorite with audiences, and we couldn’t agree more. We do love her fiery comments, and on the show passion is a must, but she also adds Latinx representation, which they desperately needed. The Nicaraguan political pundit who recently got married has gone head-to-head with McCain more times than we can count, and we’re totally here for it.
Last week, the two women went at it, again, but this time Navarro fired back at McCain “don’t yell at me, I’m two feet away!” McCain ended up walking off the set as soon as they went to commercial.
“[McCain] was outraged,” a show insider told the Daily Mail. “Ana had embarrassed her, and the truth is, Meghan can dish it, but she sure can’t take it.”
The audience’s reaction to Meghan McCain walking off after Ana Navarro checked her is hilarious #TheView
— Nicole Perez (@nicole_perez1) September 20, 2019
On Watch What Happens Live, McCain told Andy Cohen that The View is a lot like the Real Housewives franchise.
“I will say the audience is extremely combative … the booing and the heckling is a lot every day. You’re at the ‘The View,’ I’m paid to give a different view. So I would like us all, when people come, to roll it back. Again, I’m just trying to do a very complicated job.” She added, “I just want to say the walking-off footage…we are told by producers, to leave the table if it’s too heated, and I get touched up backstage with my makeup, so that’s what I was doing. And I’ve done that like many times over the years.”
Whatever this leads to, we’d really hate to see McCain or Navarro leave. This is the drama we need! How else are we supposed to handle the insanity of the president?