7 Brujas Share How They Spiritually Spruce Up Their Work Space
Whether you go to an office everyday or work from home, you can spend anywhere from 6-8 hours a day in that particular workspace

Photo: Unsplash/@socialcut
Whether you go to an office everyday or work from home, you can spend anywhere from 6-8 hours a day in that particular workspace. If you tally those hours up in a lifetime, that’s a long time, so why not make that space as inspired and energized as possible?
Keep in mind that as the seasons change, so might your workspace needs. Just because you rely on a salt lamp in the winter doesn’t mean it has to stick around throughout the entire year. Switch it up! If you don’t know where to start, don’t fret. These 7 brujas and Latina feminists share what they keep in their workspaces and why.
Brooklyn-based Afro-Latina identical twins Griselda and Miguelina, might be Yoni womb healing experts but they both have to sit at a desk at times and get work done. To get those positive vibes flowing, they rely on stones, always stones. The Dominican brujitas like to stick to white (to keep space clear of mental clutter) or black obsidian to ground the energy in the space. Plus, they both help with concentration.
“If I have enough privacy, I keep a glass or bowl of water. Preferably with camphor (alcanfol) because it cleanses air, which is great if you don’t have windows,” Gricelda says.
They often keep these things in a corner, as an altar, and make sure to make a spray that has Agua de Florida, sage and peppermint oil to help open up a space. You can use cinnamon or Ylang ylang oil to sweeten up your space.
La Brujas Club, Nathalie Farfan
When Nathalie Farfan isn’t busy setting up her monthly book club meetings for La Brujas Club, she’s at her desk working on the next spiritual retreat. She always tries to have at least three elements in her work space: something to burn, whether sage, Palo santo, incense, or a candle. She also makes sure to keep a water element, like a cup of water nearby, as well as a crystal.
“I use these elements to keep the energetic field feeling balanced and, of course, magical,” Farfan says.
Psychic medium, past lives reader, and shaman Vida is a full-time bruja, so she’s invested quite a bit into her space. She keeps a salt lamp (positive ions!) Orgone pyramid (reduces radiation), and a custom blend protection spray and lip balm, that she actually makes. Don’t forget the singing bowl and mala beads (grounding and meditation).
“I basically place a crystal grid around my desk and chair so I’m protected by any lower vibrations and negative energies that are not for my highest good at the same time trying to help my clients,” Vida adds.
Vida also makes her own wellness products that she keeps handy but for those on the road, she’s whipped up a special to-go kit called Bitch Be Gone Travel Kit. It contains a Bitch Be Gone 10 ml roll-on, 2 mini Almighty Pineapple Spiritual Soaps, 1 Palo Santo stick and 1 large Clear Quartz crystal.
Artist, bruja and candlemaker Chiquita Brujita, says she has many eclectic items around her workshop but a few signature pieces are always present. She sticks to Palo Santo Sticks to elevate her mood, avloteria deck, and a pile of rocks that she’s collected from beaches all over the world to remind her to always make time for the sun.
“A Boss Bitch Candle, so I never lose sight of who’s in charge and a Pray Hard/Hustle Harder Candle to never forget how I got here in the first place,” she adds.
And, let’s not forget the basics: yellow composition notebooks (of all sizes!) so she never misses her next bright idea.
Curandera Remedies, Josie Castaneda
Curandera Remedies is an indie wellness brand created by Josie Castaneda, certified health coach and yoga therapist. She tries to live in tune with the seasonal cycles, as all life is one giant cycle. What’s in her working space varies, but the two things that are always on her craft bench, A.K.A her desk is: Obsidian Crystal Disc & a Floral Essence Spray.
“The Obsidian disk is to keep my mind focused and fend off any negative energies. It’s beautiful to also ‘wash’ my hands when I’m creating product as the obsidian clears the energy from one client’s products to the next,” explains Castaneda.
“The Floral Essence is also an energetic ally I use to keep my heart light while I work, with the added Rosewood essential oil. I find it helps me to stay connected to my heart and manifest from a place of integrity.”
Bruja and Lifestyle Remix, Rebecca Gitana
Healer, guide and certified firecracker Rebecca Gitana shares her most intimate workspace objects. But first, she suggested remixing her home (one of her key sayings!) in order to make the most out of your space. Such as, clearing the clutter, because all that can make your spirit feel overwhelmed, or even stressed out, she says.
“Get rid of old projects or things that have nothing to do with the direction you are taking your spirit or career in,” the Feng Shui certified expert adds. “Bring in plants because they raise the energetic vibration of any space and your spirit will thank you for it.”
Tip: Find plants that match the level of light in your workspace. Once they are there, treat them as your powerful mood enhancing companions. She says many believe plants are also sentient beings which means they have a spirit life too!
The bottomline: surround yourself with “power elements,” she adds.
Elements can range from: images of your spirit animals, powerful quotes, grounding images from nature, awards you’ve won and pictures of you in the height of your successes. Other power elements can include crystals, a shawl or other accessories in power colors. Colors like emerald green are for healing and working from the heart, deep reds when you need to feel empowered or grounded and yellow when you want to stand out or elevate your sense of self.
Cater to your spirit, Rebecca suggests. Because when your spirit feels loved and cared for, it will only make you even more successful at work and beyond!