4 Tips for Busy Moms to Get the Most Out of Their Workouts

Quick workouts can be just as effective as an hour at the gym

Photo: Unsplash/@jonathanborba

Photo: Unsplash/@jonathanborba

Quick workouts can be just as effective as an hour at the gym. If someone ever tells you that working out and being fit do not go along with motherhood, turn around run away from that person as fast as you can. Exercising not only provides amazing benefits like increased energy, high levels of serotonin (happy hormone) and even better levels of libido, it makes you look fabulous!

Knowing that as a mom you’re crunched for time, we have gathered 4 strategies to help you make the best out of the short free periods of time you may have:

Muscle confusion

You can’t stick to one routine and one routine only. If you enjoy running and your goal is to lose weight, then your body might get used to it and you will very probably hit a plateau. Instead, do quick workouts that focus on back, arms and core one day, and the next one go out for a jog, spinning, or any other type of quick cardio you enjoy. The trick is to change the workouts regularly to keep the body “confused” and maximize the benefits of each workout routine.

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Choose wisely

Since your time is limited, choose to work your trouble areas first, always mixed with a quick cardio routine. Squats help your overall lower body, pull ups and push ups, your upper body. If you do them properly, your abs will benefit from both type of exercises, as your core needs to be “pulled in” for balance and overall strength. Check out these easy, quick and powerful exercises for inspiration from our friends at Shape magazine.


Time is everything

There is no need to spend one hour or more at the gym. If you focus on doing each exercise correctly, you’ll reap the benefits as if you had spent more time at the gym. A bonus: experts recommend to squeeze in a quick routine 3 times per week while your children are either napping or doing their homework. When they are done, you will be done as well (and feeling so empowered)!



Add a little weight to your quick workouts to burn extra fat and keep those bones strong. No need to go too heavy, 2-5 pound weights will do the trick at the beginning. Suggestion: do some bicep curls, and triceps extensions while sitting on a chair. Keep your back straight, chin up, shoulders back; do 10-15 reps each time for 3 rounds.

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busy moms Fitness mom tips workout
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