Watch the Chilean Demonstration Against Sexual Violence That Has Gone Global

Since November there have been countless demonstrations and protests all over Chile demanding the resignation of President Sebastián Piñera

Watch the Chilean Demonstration Against Sexual Violence That Has Gone Global

Photo: Instagram/malvestida

Since November there have been countless demonstrations and protests all over Chile demanding the resignation of President Sebastián Piñera. But one of the most recent demonstrations has gone worldwide for its catchy lyrics, deep meaning, and important message. The most catchy being the chorus “Y la culpa no era mía, ni dónde estaba, ni cómo vestía” [The blame isn’t mine, where I was, or how I was dressed].

The choreographed protest “Un violador en tu camino” (a rapist in your way) was created by Chilean feminist collective Las Tesis formed by Dafne Valdés, Paula Cometa, Sibila Sotomayor, and Lea Cáceres, all of whom were born and raised in Valparaíso.

The lyrics take aim at the violence, shaming, and silencing that female victims face. But the demonstration doesn’t just call out rapists, it also calls out rape culture and how it is both perpetuated and protected by the government. “Un violador en tu camino” was first performed by dozens of women outside of the Supreme Court in Santiago, Chile November 25th on International Violence Against Women Day.

El patriarcado es un juez, Que nos juzga por nacer, Y nuestro castigo, Es la violencia que no ves.

[The patriarchy is a judge, that judges us for being born, and our punishment, is the violence that you don’t see.]

Though all of the lyrics are powerful, the final line has a deeper meaning: “Duerme tranquila niña inocente, sin preocuparte del bandolero, que por tus sueños dulce y sonriente vela tu amante carabinero” [Sleep calmly, innocent girl without worrying about the bandit, over your dreams smiling and sweet, watches your loving cop].

These are words taken from the “himno de los carabineros de Chile,” which is a marching song about the duty and love the police force has for its people. Ironically enough, there have been hundreds of accusations of rape, sexual violence, torture, and murder committed by the Chilean armed forces in the last month alone.

In Chile, only 8 percent of accused rapists receive a conviction and all over the globe rape and sexual assault continue to flourish. According to RAINN, in the US only 5 out of every 1,000 rapes (0.5 percent) committed results in a felony conviction. It’s no wonder that women all over the world have felt a connection to Las Tesis’ lyrics and demonstration. There have been protests as far as Istanbul, Paris, Madrid, New York, and Brussels. There is also a planned performance in Los Angeles for this weekend. Below are just a few of the protests uploaded to social media.

Valparaiso, Chile

Lima, Peru

Mexico City, Mexico

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Bogota, Colombia

Berlin, Germany

Paris, France

Barcelona, Spain

In this Article

Chile feminist protest Rape Culture
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