Cocadas Filled With Manjarblanco And Nutella

Coconut macaroons, called cocadas in Peru, are one of the favorite sweets along the coast of our country

Peruvian cocadas HipLatina

Photo: Courtesy of Peru Delights

Coconut macaroons, called cocadas in Peru, are one of the favorite sweets along the coast of our country. Like alfajores, cocadas are enjoyed at any time of the day and in any occasion. There are many varieties of cocadas, from big ones, to tiny ones, and sometimes they are filled with manjarblanco (Peruvian dulce de leche), like a sandwich.

Before baking.

Cocadas Peru Delights HipLatina
Photo by Peru Delights

Completed with marjarblanco and Nutella filling.

Peru Delights Nutella
Photo Credit Peru Delights

Recipe was originally published by Peru Delights.

In this Article

cocadas coconut delish Latin Dessert peruvian Recipe
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