The Final Mercury Retrograde of 2019 in Scorpio Will Lead to Radical Changes

It’s the final countdown

Art courtesy Esoteric Esa

Art courtesy Esoteric Esa

It’s the final countdown. This year has been filled with plenty of cosmic events that have offered up opportunities to alter one’s destiny. For some, it has been a marathon. We’re right there with you!

As we get ready to transition into 2020, a year you won’t want to sleep on, we prepare to embark on the final Mercury retrograde of 2019 in the fixed sign of Scorpio. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will last from Oct. 31st to Nov. 20th. Additionally, take note that Mercury’s pre-shadow began on Oct. 13th and his post-shadow will conclude Dec. 7th.

Mercury retrograde carries a strong negative misconception around its purpose, largely thanks to mainstream media. Yes, anytime Mercury goes retrograde he can cause miscommunication, tech issues, and travel mishaps. But don’t those events happen on a daily occurrence anyhow? Instead, focus on the importance of introspection and finishing up loose ends of situations you’ve abandoned. This Mercury retrograde you will find yourself benefiting from this intense Scorpio energy by way of reflecting on outstanding karmic cycles. Consider this your chance at writing endings for stories you’ve told yourself time and time again. The next four weeks of this influence will allow for radical personal change. 

Key areas of focus come this final Mercury retrograde of 2019? Expect finances, intimacy, or power struggles to make an appearance in terms of topics up for re-evaluation. 

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Mercury is the universal messenger who rules expression, communication, and thoughts. He enjoys taking things apart when he goes retrograde and that’s what you can expect of yourself during this time. You’ll find yourself in a state of internal soul-searching seeking methods to reach conclusions that provide you with a sense of peace. Combine that with this Scorpio energy, whose ruling planet is Pluto, and you have a lot of aggressive energy playing out in the sky to be cautious of.

Uranus, the planet of innovation, is simultaneously retrograding in the sky via the sign of Taurus, creating a change in the way you perceive finances. Mix that in with Mercury retrograde and you can encounter a shift in how you create your income. This possibly can slow down the energy around money for some. There could also be a need to make a career change or manifest some sort of pivot in order to make way for a new flow of currency. Allow this to be a time of revisiting what is no longer working for you with regard to your finances.

Shared finances in partnerships such as business and romance will be under a microscope at this time. Conversations around spending habits or investments will be brought up and should be approached with a sense of maturity – which is opposite of Scorpio’s Pluto energy. Keep away from immature power struggles as they present themselves. Working past emotions of insecurity, jealousy or lack with regards to how you view money will allow conservative progress and forward movement for self-actualization surrounding your relationship to money. If there is a need to release reckless spending habits, this will be on your radar during this retrograde. Secrets around outstanding debt could arise as well. If someone has kept you out of the loop in terms of money, don’t be surprised. You could find out you were overlooked for a bonus or job opportunity due to some sneaky behavior. Handle the situation wisely.

Venus is also making an appearance in the sign of Scorpio during this Mercury retrograde. Venus conjunct Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will highlight any areas of unhealthy possessive behaviors. She is the ruler of indulgence and all things sensual. Releasing unhealthy addictions or habits will be up for review as well. Ask yourself if there are any unhealthy tendencies in your life that need to be released? You could spend a significant amount of time reassess your values as well. Venus will influence you to question any hidden desires or needs thanks to this Scorpio energy. After you accumulate this personal data of yours you’ll then decide how to express that outwardly in your interpersonal dynamics. This is a great opportunity to have healthy discussions around intimate needs within your romantic sector. Venus in Scorpio conjunct Mercury retrograde in Scorpio could wreak havoc if you do not handle delicate issues with a highly conscious awareness blanketed with empathy.

Prepare for this final retrograde with the following steps:

  1. Plan accordingly and nail your schedule down to a tee.
  2. Protect your aura with crystals or essential oils such as cedar.
  3. Be fluid and go with the flow.
  4. Avoid toxic people or situations as much as possible.
  5. Steer clear of being reactive.
  6. Focus on reflecting on your own goals and needs.
  7. Stay out of what does not concern you.
  8. Do your best to find solutions instead of hyper-focusing on problems.

Every Mercury retrograde offers up the divine task of reassessing what is no longer serving you in your life. Take note of where you have been the hamster vigorously spinning your wheel – this is where the opportunity for liberation resides.

May you manifest wisely!

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