Gina Rodriguez Gets Real About Masturbation and the Guilt She Used to Feel

Gina Rodriguez isn’t holding back in her latest interview — she goes in deep when talking about masturbating

Gina Rodriguez isn’t holding back in her latest interview — she goes in deep when talking about masturbating. In a new interview featured in Bust Magazine, Rodriguez gets candid about pleasuring herself and how she used to feel guilty about doing it when she was younger. The actress and cover girl talks about how she was raised with the whole purity — save-yourself-for-the-one — thing but was also taught to learn how to please herself. The best part about it is that her grandmother was the one that told her that it was totally okay for her to masturbate.

In the August/September 2017 issue, Rodrguez says about purity culture:

“I was definitely raised with that. In all honesty, I used to feel guilty for masturbating. Oh my god, this extreme guilt! And that lasted way too long. Or maybe I masturbated too much! It’s OK to look back in retrospect and be like, it wasn’t good that I felt bad about touching myself. And it isn’t bad that I want to share my love with my boyfriend. I’m 32 years old, I’m an adult, I can do that!”

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And on feminism, Rodriguez said:

“Hell yeah [I’m a feminist]. Everybody should be a feminist. My grandmother is the biggest feminist. She is an activist, she is a voice against injustice. I grew up with that.”

While we know that Rodriguez is vocal about advocating for feminism, it’s even more amazing to hear this Latina speak out about the wonders of sexuality, especially when it concerns self love. Masturbation is such a taboo topic among the Latino community so we applaud Rodriguez for not only masturbating but also TALKING about it. No reason to hide about doing something that is actually healthy.

Vanessa Cullins, M.D., told Refinery29 back in the day that “negative feelings about masturbation can threaten our health and well-being.”

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