HipLatina Horoscope: Everything You Need to Know to Get You Through the Week of September 10
Sometimes the universe brings us through trials that we do not understand

Photo: Unsplash/@kimberly123
Sometimes the universe brings us through trials that we do not understand. Things that were once in our control just seem to slip away without much warning. This week, the stars have a particularly interesting message when it comes to life’s hardest challenges… go slow, stay calm, and be kind. With the combination of the three, you’ll usually find a way to make it through the best of times and the worst. See how it all plays out below.
There’s still a sense of emotional spiraling happening in your charts this week. The tango between your ruling planet Mars and Mercury keeps you front and center once again this week, with extra pressure on your sixth house of responsibilities and services. With the moon squaring with Mars earlier in the week, whatever conversation you’re in has a real chance of getting a bit dramatic! Try to keep your emotions in check. Maybe go in with a strategy that not everyone’s emotions last forever, and see if there’s any way to outsmart the issue — rather than constantly beating it into submission. This week, work smarter — not harder.
With your ruling sign trine Saturn this week, and the Nodes squeezing her on both sides, you’re going to feel Venus tug at your heart strings a bit this week and ask you to take yet another look at your relationships. But this time, instead of wondering if you should stay or you should go, Venus is ready to fall all the way in love — and she wants you to follow those vibes. Follow your heart this week… and let the things that make you happy get the best of your attention.
With clarity and communication on your side, the motivation to leave your mark on things is strong. However, this week you’re going to have to find the balance to that ambition and how it works in a larger group setting. It’s okay to make baby moves —but you can’t bowl people over. You’ll meet opposition immediately if you do. Instead, try to have a team player attitude this week, and see how much easier it becomes to move the needle.
It’s almost as if your inner bruja comes out strong this week. Something happens when Neptune squares the moon this week — and it could really give you a bit of a confidence boost. Almost as if you’ve always known something about a situation or person, but never gave yourself the space to see you were right. Keep an eye out to feel validated this week, and let yourself learn the valuable lesson of never second guessing yourself again.
While Cancer’s are getting worlds of clarity from Neptune this week, you are suffering from a bit of the opposite. With a lot of fast moving pieces this week, be careful not to get taken advantage of or lied to. Or heaven forbid you’re thinking of being this crafty, because the karma will not stack in your favor! As a matter of fact, anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to forcefully push their agenda at the expense of others, will hit a bit of a karmic wall that won’t be easy to bounce back from. The best thing to remember this week is that kindness is real, and it moves mountains. Demand kindness as well as give it out in spades.
I know it often feels like you’ve built up the street cred to say “My way or the highway.” But this week, you’re usually spot on intuition is going to feel a bit cloudy and emotional thanks to Mars. There’s a great possibility to get frustrated with this influence. But there’s also an amazing chance for you to look at what bugs you the most this week, and understand how you really feel about the situation. Sometimes we learn a lot about ourselves in moments like these — and something (or someone) may be a little bit more important to you right now then you’ve previously let yourself enjoy before.
What are you loving right now? Is there room to love it a little more? According to your ruling planet of Venus this week, there is a bit more you can give. And if there are any walls of protection you have around your heart on the issue, this week you’d be very supported to begin taking those down. Make the investment to follow your bliss this week. There’s a transitional and healing energy around you now, if you’re willing to apply some courage and do the work.
It’s going to be a little bit more of the same this week, as your ruling planets are in some of the most intense aspects of this year. I wish I could just insert that Kris Jenner meme here that says “You’re doing amazing, sweetie.” Because it’s true. Don’t let emotions send you backwards in all the progress you’ve made this year. Where tensions get high — find a way to be the calm the room needs. They will come to your side soon enough.
If there have been some changes you’ve been thinking about making, now might be the perfect moment to give it a shot. You’ve got Venus and Saturn in a sextile position with Jupiter this week, supporting your inner desire to break free, express yourself and be your own lady. So if you’ve been thinking of getting a new haircut, or splurging on a new fall wardrobe, the cosmos suggest you get to Yelp’ing and start finding the five star places. You’ll be in luck this week to launch a new version of you.
This week you might find yourself in a bit of a Rocky Balboa moment, where you’re going to need to overcome a challenge that just might damn near kill your mojo. The pressure is about to get jacked up to the next level. And if 2017 has taught you anything, it’s that you can handle a mudslinging fight better than the rest of them. Just put your attention back into your work. You’ll find your peace and calm there — and respond back to the stress in a way you can be proud of later on.
With Saturn squaring itself against the Sun, and Uranus’s squaring Jupiter getting you extra jittery, you might find this week is a bit of a challenge when it comes to wanting to push things forward, but not really getting the space to get things done the way you’d like. With an influence like this, you gotta find your joy in the simple things. Find time with family and friends who make you smile and understand you. You’ll get a lot more mileage out of this week if you opt to get social over angry.
Once again your relationships are front and center this week, and the skies want you to really try to push the boundaries a bit here. And also to take time for yourself. Some people talk a really good game and deciphering the truth might be hard if you don’t secure a bit of alone time to figure out how you really feel. Whatever or whoever this influence is, it’s going to be in your chart for a bit longer, so it’s best you push your sleeves up and deal with this now. Yes, I know you’d rather avoid it but you can’t anymore. It’s time to get your house and loved ones in order.