HipLatina Horoscope: Everything You Need to Know for the Week of July 9th
Coming off the tail of a Full Moon on Sunday, we’ve got a packed week of planetary opportunity

Photo: Unsplash/@omarlopez1
Coming off the tail of a Full Moon on Sunday, we’ve got a packed week of planetary opportunity. With Mars and the Sun working together, and a moon in Capricorn — the time for all of us to manifest our best life is here. We just have to learn how to use the energies of the planets to help us get there faster. See how below.
Sometimes you just have to go with what you feel. And this week, Pluto is helping you have a lot of feelings about things this week. You won’t be able to deal with the injustices. You won’t want to be held back. And truth be told — if you’re nice about it, Neptune might help you get just what you want this week. Apply wisdom and strategy to your fight this week, and you could see results you really like.
If you can spot a way to get what you want this week, you should take it. By force if necessary. Venus is working with Neptune and Mercury this week to bring you closer to the things you want most. Saturn is going to make you second guess yourself a bit — which could be a good thing. Sometimes the things we want aren’t the things we need. Be sure of what you’re chasing this week.
This is a good week to look around the home and clear some space for yourself. What things are clutter in your space? What is translating to clutter in your mind? You can expect some conversations happening this week that might help you express your need for a better home base, whether it’s to your landlord or your roommate. Don’t avoid the uncomfortable conflict — you need your home to be sound, so that your mind can be too. You’ll be glad for this effort by the end of the summer.
Unexpected conversations could come about this week that you won’t want to miss. If you can get out to a networking event, or get the chance to visit an old friend, now is the perfect time to do it. If it’s a romantic reunion with someone from your past, however, you should exercise some restraint. Those old wounds you thought you healed are likely to resurface thanks to Uranus.
The influence of this week will leave you feeling like you can do anything — which is mostly true. With Mars conjunct your rising sign, you’re likely to find yourself with more energy and ambition than you’ll know what to do with. And most likely — no one else will know what to do with it either! Instead of getting frustrated, get focused. Work on things that are autonomous and success bound if you can.
New people are starting to show up around your chart, and this could bring good news for you. So long as you can keep yourself grounded while in their energy — it’s likely you could get a bit swept up into a new crowd or new love, thanks to Venus. But before you let Jupiter’s influence encourage you that this union is perfect for you, allow yourself to do a little investigative work first. Something may be off about this dynamic energy that you’re attracted to — and you might not like it.
When the stars align on a warm summer’s night, what else is there to do but fall in love? This is a great week for you to give into the moment. In tarot, this would be a Fool’s card week — where you can give into the energy of the moment and not judge your next step. This week the planets ask you to just go with the flow of those who charm the pants off you. You deserve the fun (and love.)
This is a great week to start a new project just for you. Something that’s been on your mind for weeks or months but you never could imagine how to get it off the ground. The planets are aligned around you this week in a position that cheers you on and asks you to straighten out the details later. Sometimes you just need to get started.
If a problem occurs this week, it’s best if you remember to use your words — not your revenge muscle. Plus, there’s no need for you to take it all so personal. Mercury is giving you an extra boost this week to help your conversations move into a place that’s beneficial to everyone. Your plans are not permanently thwarted, but letting your fears or anxiety do the talking will be shut down this week. And that’s a good thing.
Time to get moving. All that hold up you’ve been experiencing for months is finally on it’s way out the door. Have the conversations you need to have now to get the brainstorm started. If there’s a trip coming, call and negotiate a better hotel package deal. The energy of Saturn trine with Uranus this week is asking you to open your eyes and your ears, and get to work — ASAP.
You have a beautiful change this week to let go of the past and charge towards the future. Even if the past never said ‘I’m sorry’ and you still wanted closure. Or if the past said ‘you won’t be good enough to do this,’ or ‘there isn’t enough resources to try.’ This is the week where you begin to build your own fortune for your future. Be creative in how you look at your challenges, and ask around to trusted friends and advisors how they are moving forward — and then take their best advice immediately.
Patience will be your friend this week as you are waiting for things to align in your favor, With Jupiter squaring Pluto and Venus squaring Neptune — that wait for what you want could really take a minute. But don’t give up into the illusions that you can’t have these things this week, or that you will have to start all over. Instead, use this week’s waiting period to plan next steps and dream of even more things you’d like to manifest. It will help you see new ways to bring about the change you seek faster.