How to Launch Your Own Podcast in 7 Days
[article_ad] It seems like everyone has a podcast nowadays

Photo: Unsplash/@soundtrap
It seems like everyone has a podcast nowadays. Most newspapers and many former reality TV show personalities have dabbled in the podcast game. If you’ve ever given the idea a thought, now’s the time to take action since “112 million Americans have listened to a podcast.”
The start up costs for a new podcast are minimal, if you keep it simple, making it as easy to start as blogging. So if you’re committed to launching that new podcast, here are the steps you can take to launch in 7 days.
Come up with a name. With other ideas, the naming process comes later but with a podcast you want to focus on the name first. When someone is in iTunes, they are going by what the podcast name is. This is the most important step of your podcasting journey. Your podcast name has to be catchy, simple, and enticing enough to make someone click “subscribe.”
Make a list of topics. Whether you’re podcast is all about curly hair or providing commentary on the Narcos web series, you’ll want to make a master list of topics that you can speak on.
If you’re doing a weekly podcast, then figure out that you’ll need 52 episodes per year. If you can outline the first 4-8 episodes with topics, then you can launch a few the first week and build momentum that way.
Outline your podcast. While a podcast can be anything from you talking for 30 minutes or a 2 hour interview, at the core of all podcast is a clear narrative. Creating a storyboard helps give you structure for the episodes so that your podcast sounds put together and is intriguing enough for others to enjoy.
Set up a channel. iTunes is the number one place for podcasts, but it’s not the only game in town. Platforms like Soundcloud and Spreaker give you an opportunity to build an audience without the tech hassles of going through iTunes directly.
When starting something new, you’ll want to avoid the complicated tasks since those tend to deter many creative projects from seeing the light of day.
Get your podcast URL. No idea is complete without a website URL. You don’t need to launch a brand new website just yet but you will want a catchy URL to go with your podcast so that you can promote it across the internet.
Once you have your website URL, simply redirect it to your podcast profile page either on Soundcloud, Spreaker, or iTunes.
Download the podcasting tools. You will want to invest in a quality microphone for your podcast, even if it’s a hobby for now. Nothing turns people away like poor audio quality. You can invest in a Blue Snowball microphone, which are pretty affordable and readily available in many electronic stores.
Once you have a mic, you’ll want to make sure you have the right software to record your audio. You can use to record your interviews, or you can use the free program, Audacity (Mac & PC compatible), to record and edit your audios.
Record your first podcast. Let your first episode be an interview with someone who knows you well so that your personality and passion comes across immediately. This will help boost your confidence and give you the motivation to continue making additional episodes.
Once you’ve got your podcast recorded, put it out there and don’t be shy with letting others know about it. After you get some momentum, you can work on cultivating the brand to build your audience.
The first episode is the hardest but once you have it ready, and a game plan in place, you’ll find that this is one of the easiest ways to build an audience and you’ll wonder why you hadn’t started sooner.