La La Anthony Shares Her Natural Psoriasis Remedy – and It’s Under 3 Bucks!

There hasn’t been a time where La La Anthony looks anything less than flawless whenever she walks down a red carpet

Photo: Instagram/@lala

Photo: Instagram/@lala

There hasn’t been a time where La La Anthony looks anything less than flawless whenever she walks down a red carpet. However, at the end of the day the Boricua actress/entrepreneur/producer is human just like the rest of us and even she suffers from skin concerns, like her battle with psoriasis. Back in 2015 Anthony opened up about her longtime struggle with this disease and it appears that she has since learned a few tricks of her own to help cope with flare ups.

For those who don’t know, Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease, in which skin cells build up and cause red dry and itchy patches on your skin. While there is no cure for the disease there are many methods one can take to help calm psoriasis, and some you may even find in your kitchen like in Anthony’s case.

In a recent interview with People, the star revealed that she uses baking soda as a gentle exfoliator. “It is just gentle enough on my sensitive skin, which is really hard to find when you do have psoriasis,” she said. Best of all, this remedy is less than three bucks!

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Anthony isn’t the only star who has opened up about living with this condition. Anthony’s pal Kim Kardashian West has also spoken out about living with the disease as well as model Cara Delevingne, which is very important considering how common this skin condition is. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, 7.5 million people are living with psoriasis in the United States alone.

Luckily like Anthony and her baking soda trick, there are many other natural ingredients that can also help soothe symptoms like bathing with oatmeal or epsom salt. Along with a dermatologist-approved skincare regimen which includes avoiding heavily scented skincare products and constantly keeping your skin moisturized. But we must say Anthony’s exfoliating hack is quite brilliant, especially when many exfoliants can be too harsh for sensitive skin. Thanks for the tip, La La!

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