Puerto Rican Christmas Drink: Coquito!
Puerto Rico has a long holiday season, celebrating Christmas through Three Kings Day on January 6th

Photo: Unsplash/@cravethebenefits
Puerto Rico has a long holiday season, celebrating Christmas through Three Kings Day on January 6th. Luckily, we have learned to fortify ourselves during these weeks with delicious Christmas meals. Traditional Puerto Rican Christmas food is undeniable amazing: pernil, arroz con gandules, pasteles, morcillas and COQUITO.
Coquito HipLatina
Coquito is that sweet, creamy deliciousness that inhabits an old rum bottle (an item found in the fridge of 99% of all Puerto Rican households during Christmas time). You can usually buy it from the abuela who makes the pasteles down the block. If you don’t have someone in your neighborhood in the coquito making business, the good news is that you can make it yourself. It’s an easy recipe and makes for great holiday gift for friends and family.
A word to the wise: people LOVE coquito. Make sure you make enough for everyone to enjoy and have designated drivers, numbers for taxis, and apps for Uber rides. Not much of a drinker? Not a problem! Follow the recipe below and remove the alcohol. You can also put a twist on this delicious cocktail by adding almond or coffee extract as well as pieces of shredded coconut.