R. Kelly Arrested on Child Pornography and Other Federal Charges in Chicago

Embattled R&B singer R

R.Kelly Aaliyah

Photo: Unsplash/@emilianobar

Embattled R&B singer R.Kelly, 52, was arrested in Chicago by New York police detectives and investigators from the Department of Homeland Security Thursday night while walking his dog.

“The counts include child porn, enticement of a minor and obstruction of justice,”  U.S. Attorney’s Office spokesman Joseph Fitzpatrick said, according to the Associated Press.

This marks the second time he has been taken into custody this year and he’s currently being held at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Chicago per The Federal Bureau of Prisons website and will be arraigned later today. Darrell Johnson, his crisis manager, and publicist said that Kelly was looking forward to his day in court.