White College Recruiter Tells Black Students to Rank Skin Tone & Hair Type
We’re trying to understand why in the world an Oklahoma Christian University recruiter would ask 11th graders to lineup based on their skin color and who had the nappiest hair

Photo: Instagram/@ok_christian
We’re trying to understand why in the world an Oklahoma Christian University recruiter would ask 11th graders to lineup based on their skin color and who had the nappiest hair. Yes, this is as racist, ignorant, dumb, and offensive as it sounds.
The appalling incident took place on Feb. 24 when a white college recruiter from Oklahoma Christian University visited Harding Charter Preparatory High School in Oklahoma City and conducted “a little game” in front of the entire class of juniors and some staff members. He then asked the students to line up “darkest to lightest skin complexion,” ABC11 reports. “He then allegedly told students to rank themselves according to who had the ‘nappiest’ hair, said student Korey Todd.”
According to news reports, both students and staff were shocked and upset by this exercise.”Teachers left,” Todd told ABC News. “They were crying, and they were offended. Their faces just look disgusted. I know they had a talk with him after, like, ‘That’s not okay.'”
Another student said he could quickly tell the recruiter was inexperienced.
“He barely talked about the school itself,” Rio Brown told the news channel. “I could already see through his BS basically … he wasn’t really knowledgeable [about] how to speak to people even in a diverse school.”
Steven Stefanick, the Superintendent/Principal at Harding Charter Preparatory High School, spoke out vehemently against the actions of this recruiter who has since been fired by the university.
“Over the years, we have had a strong relationship with the university and have never encountered events as such,” Stefanick stated on Facebook. “Oklahoma Christian University President, John deSteiguer, will personally be visiting our school to apologize directly to the students and staff members that were impacted by such events.”
They added, “As a school community, we are proud of our students and staff members for taking a stand on this issue and showcasing our community values of diversity, inclusion, and a safe and supportive learning environment.”
A person on Facebook responded to the principal’s statements by claiming that the recruiter in question has gotten in trouble for conducting himself offensively while representing other colleges.
“This is not the first time this ‘recruiter’” has been in hot water,” Billi J. Wietelman noted. “It amazes me how he keeps hopping from one college campus to another one. I pray there is a way to keep him off college campuses and HS campuses!”