5 Reasons I Love Raising My Kids With Their Abuelitos Also Living At Home
I remember all the games that I played with my abuelita

Photo: istock and courtesy of Nickelodeaon
I remember all the games that I played with my abuelita. She’d run and hide as I’d count to 3. Eventually, abuela would pop out of her hiding spot when I grew frustrated because I couldn’t find her. She hated seeing me cry, and I sobbed over pretty much everything.
Our relationship was special, filled with moments and memories that I’ll cherish forever, much like the bond between Baby Shark and his abuelitos on Baby Shark’s Big Show! on Nickelodeon. This new, entertaining, funny, and musical show follows the adventures of Baby Shark and his best friend, William, and celebrates the importance of family. Baby Shark lives with his parents and his grandparents and has a beautiful relationship with his abuelitos. Be sure to tune in to Baby Shark’s Big Show! on Fridays at 12:30/11:30c on Nickelodeon!
Now that I am a mother, I want my toddler son to cultivate a similar connection with his abuelitos, just like Baby Shark, which is why I love raising him with his abuelos living at home. Here are a few other reasons why this is an amazing living arrangement for the familia:
Your kids get to practice Español and get a deeper understanding of their culture

Through the generations, we often lose our home language and cultural traditions. When you raise your kids with their abuelitos they can learn the language and use it daily. Speaking Spanish every day is the best way to ensure that our children become bilingual adults. Our kids can also learn cultural customs and flip through old photo albums with their abuelitos. Grandparents love to pass down stories about the past and their ancestors, just like Grandpa Shark shares stories from Great-Great-Great Granny Shark on Baby Shark’s Big Show! It’s a great way to keep your children connected to their culture!
Your kids learn about great music from their culture

My abuelito blasted Perico Ripao, the oldest style of merengue, from the greats like Fefita La Grande, a famous female merengue accordionist and singer from the Dominican Republic. I sang along with him as loudly and proudly as I belted Madonna songs with my friends at school. Today, my son sings along with his abuelito’s favorite melodies (mostly 70’s music!), and thanks to Baby Shark’s Big Show!, they’ll dance and sing together to the show’s fun and catchy songs. Be sure to join us from your living room as we shake a tail fin with Baby Shark and his abuela in #BabySharksBigShow!
Check out the fun new song “Fish Friends Forever” here!:
There is nothing like your abuelitas home-cooked meal prepared with love.

The food is authentic to our Latino heritage and oh so fresh. I remember walking through the door right after school and inhaling all the natural herbs and spices prepared by my abuelita. Her food tasted so good and I could always go for seconds because abuela rarely said no to any requests! Baby Shark’s Grandma also loves cooking for him. She uses recipes created with the finest underwater ingredients and her signature dish is a delicious bubbleberry pie. Yum!
Your kids will love getting pampered.

And yes, a little bit spoiled! My abuelita gave me everything that I wanted despite my mother’s objections. Chocolate before dinner? Yes! Staying up late to watch cartoons? Yes! Skipping a day of school? Yes! My abuelita was also very playful, just like Grandma Shark on Baby Sharks Big Show! Grandma Shark is a resident kid at heart who loves playing jokes alongside Baby Shark. They have so much fun together. Our abuelitos always know how to soften our parents and make life that much more sweeter.
Your kids get to create lifelong memories with their abuelitos every day.

When abuelitos live at home they are a part of your kid’s routines. Your kids can do special activities just with their abuelitos, like playing with their favorite toy or game or watching their favorite cartoon together, like Baby Shark’s Big Show! on Nickelodeon. Spending quality time with our abuelitos is the best way to cherish them, and that’s one of the reasons why Baby Shark has such an amazing relationship with his grandparents. Plus, abuelitas love to bake snacks!
So, grab some pie and your abuelitos, and sit down to watch Baby Shark’s Big Show! on Nickelodeon airing on Fridays at 12:30/11:30c. Get the whole family excited by watching the trailer below: