Your Weekly Tarotscope for December 1 – December 7, 2019 Revealed

Theme of the Week: 8 of Cups There’s no going back to what we’ve just left behind

Photo: Labyrinthos

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Week: 8 of Cups

There’s no going back to what we’ve just left behind. You have gotten past the point of no return. Although this journey may not be easy, it will be worth it. Somewhere, deep down, you know this and wouldn’t be doing it otherwise. There are still obstacles to overcome, but you will soon begin to reap the rewards of your efforts. Your heart knows what it’s searching for, and you must follow it come hell or high water. This is the only way you will ever feel a sense of fulfillment and true satisfaction. It may seem like you are leaving a lot behind, but trust that it is nothing compared to where you are headed. Although doubts will sneak in, you do know where you’re going. Trust your internal compass.


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Your Card: 9 of Swords


It is not very Sag of you to be so worried about what others think. If you feel like people are judging you this week, regardless of if they actually are, it should be none of your concern. Let them talk. Let them judge. But don’t let their perception cloud the one you have of yourself. I’m hearing that you may even be projecting these thoughts and ideas. Others may not even be judging you so harshly at all! This could simply be a case of your own fears creeping up and forming negative expectations. There is a saying that you don’t see the world as it is, you see the world as you are. If you’re suffering from low self-esteem right now, you may think everyone can see where you fall short. Don’t be so hard on yourself, Sag. Realize all the wonderful things you contribute to the world and the people around you. They wouldn’t be there if you didn’t have anything to offer.




Your Card: The Empress


Frankie says, RELAX. Take it easy, Cap. You’re about to blow, but no one even knows it because you’ve been holding everything in, trying to save face. You’ve been acting chill, but dealing with a lot in the background. It’s time to ease up on yourself and do a little self-care. Maybe even find a trusted comrade and let some of those secrets see the light of day. You don’t have to go into detail, but it might be nice to take a load off your chest. There is no need to burden yourself. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to someone, try to do some art therapy. Take a dance class, do some freeform writing, anything creative will help you release and renew now. You don’t have to be great at it, the point is just to be present.




Your Card: 7 of Pentacles


You’re sort of making progress now? You have invested a lot of time and effort into something, only to receive minimal feedback and satisfaction for your energy. You’re wondering when, or even if, you will ever achieve the goal you’ve set here. It looks like it is going to take even more time and even more effort, though, Aquarius. If you really want to get to the finish line with this, it is going to take concerted labor — by you — to make it happen. Comb over the details, and leave no stone unturned. You will eventually have a lot to be proud of, but it looks like the majority of the work will be left to you. Don’t expect much of a contribution from others.




Your Card: King of Pentacles


There is a sense of entitlement you have in the home, or where it regards stability and security now. It is as if you feel like because you are making the most contribution, you get the final say. You are the king of the castle and what you say, goes. Not everyone may be on board with this, but you don’t really care, do you, Pisces? You have everything you require whether they are there, or not. You don’t need others’ contributions. In a sense, this is liberating. Perhaps, you’ve never been in this place before and in a sense, it feels great. But, would you say this attitude is the most effective way to rule your kingdom? Most likely not. Take a look at where you might not be acting fairly when it comes to others. Acknowledge that although you have the means to contribute the most, their efforts are still valid and welcome. This will help create an atmosphere better suited for the long-term.




Your Card: 10 of Pentacles


It’s as if you’ve got an extended holiday! Family, friends, and warmth surround you this week, Aries. It is all about love — those who have been there through thick and thin, and all the things that make life feel truly rich, even when it isn’t perfect. You will have a conversation with someone who is wise beyond their years and this could help you with something you have been struggling with or that you will be experiencing in the future. Pay attention because there are a lot of very sound nuggets of wisdom here. Even if this person seems a little kooky, there is something important there for you. Money and family are at the forefront. Your spending may come to a halt soon, or slow down significantly. Put a budget or a plan in place. You have an especially good opportunity to save this holiday season. Don’t squander that away!




Your Card: The High Priestess


While you are keeping your hand close, there is much you don’t know yourself, now Taurus. Things look one way on the outside, but underneath the surface is a different story. We aren’t meant to know everything in real-time, though. Some things are better left unsaid. You are treating a situation with a stoic front, in order to maintain some type of power. I’m not sure that this is working as well as you think it is, but I also do not see it doing you a big disservice. If this is what is comfortable for you, maintain your position. You have received some news or discovered something that you decided to keep under wraps in order to see how things play out first. You will likely never put that puzzle together, so don’t dwell on it too much. Just keep in mind — nothing is what it seems right now.



Gemini Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: 2 of Pentacles


You are repeating the same patterns, Gem. What once seemed like a shiny, exciting new opportunity, has quickly turned into the same, old carousel ride. What is it that you are missing? What can’t you see? This is the perfect time to sit down and contemplate that. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. You need to implement a change. The answer to what that adjustment is lies within you. So get cracking! Make a flow chart if you must. What has brought you from Point A to Point B, C, then D? What is the common denominator? Make a conscious decision to try something new next time. It might be a little scary, but it’s better than repeatedly ending up in the same place.



Cancer Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: Ace of Cups


You’re becoming overwhelmed with feelings, Cancer. Developing feelings on top of existing feelings, contemplating future feelings, there is just an abundance of all types of love! This can be beautiful, wonderful, great, but it can also be a lot to handle. You have so much to be grateful and thankful for, and you recognize that, so express it when the mood strikes. Others will appreciate your acknowledgment and it will attract more of it into your life. You have a beautiful and jovial week ahead, don’t let emotions bring you down if you find you’re having a hard time processing so much at once. Let yourself be free, feel in the moment, and don’t worry so much about how you’re going to be feeling in the future. Give in to the experience and revel in life’s opulence.




Your Card: 5 of Cups


Your situation has some difficult aspects, but if anyone knows how to make lemonade out of lemons it’s you, Leo! Expect at least one out of two possibilities from your past to help you get that sense of warmth and wonder back into your life again. You want to approach someone, and if you do it genuinely and sweetly, positive results could bloom. You have saved something just for them, all this time. Make sure they know you never really let go and what they mean to you. You will need to do more than just show up, but you also have the timing of the universe on your side. They are in a good place and ready to receive from you, where perhaps in the past they were not and you weren’t ready to give yet, either. You mustn’t try to reclaim the past out of fear. Whether fear of loneliness, loss, or other. You must move forward into the future from a place of love and buoyancy. I feel your heartwarming and becoming fuller than it has ever been on this path. You’re going the right way.




Your Card: Queen of Cups


Your emotions are all intertwined and perhaps even confusing, now Virgo. You want to do what is best for you, but it might be hard to fight the current conflicting interests. On one hand ___ but on the other hand, ___. What a conundrum! Go with your heart, just this once, Virgo. Practicality will always be there, but if you can’t go a day without thinking about this, there comes a time where you just need to take a leap of faith. This doesn’t mean you have to throw all caution to the wind and completely sabotage yourself. You can do this in a mature and well-tailored way. There is really no need to choose between head and heart. You can find a happy balance to both where you don’t need to sacrifice nearly as much as you’ve convinced yourself you do. You deserve to take a chance on love.




Your Card: 10 of Wands


You’ve set a lot in motion over recent weeks or perhaps even months. You have taken on a lot and there have been times where you weren’t sure if you could do it all. But, you did! You make it work and continue to make it work. You’re coming to the point where things will begin to be a little more self-sufficient. I’m seeing a parent letting go of the bicycle, while the child finally rides off. You have done the work, now you can sit back and let things begin to run on their own for the most part. Do check up on them from time to time, but they won’t be needing the same level of attention they once did. I would advise you that although things will be running more smoothly, not to take on new projects, or at least keep them to a minimum. You will have to turn your attention back at times and there is no need to unnecessarily overwhelm yourself.



Scorpio Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: The Hermit

Photo: Labyrinthos

Hiding away from the world again, Scorpio? Going into hibernation mode this winter may seem like a great idea, but you are doing yourself no favors by cutting off from society for extended periods of time. Many of us do feel a need for alone time in order to recharge our batteries, but you have managed to make it an art form. There is a type of narcissism that can develop from this. Too much solitude in your case can trick you into thinking that no one can possibly understand you — that you are just too complex. The reality is, you are only diving into self-pity. Stop drowning yourself. There is nothing so bad happening in your life that others haven’t dealt with as well. Get out in the fresh air, stop dwelling and complaining, and make the most of all the good that is in your life. I promise you there is some there. What it comes down to, is what you choose to see.

In this Article

aquarius aries cancer capricorn clairaudient clairsentient clairvoyant gemini horoscope leo libra pisces sagittarius scorpio tarot tarot cards tarot reading taurus virgo zodiac
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