Your Weekly Tarotscope for December 22 – December 28, 2019

Theme of the Week: 4 of Wands What a beautiful card to get for this week! Celebrations and moments to remember are entering in spades

4 of Wands

Photo: Labyrinthos


Theme of the Week: 4 of Wands

What a beautiful card to get for this week! Celebrations and moments to remember are entering in spades. While the holidays can always be considered a special time of the year, this one is exceptional. I’m hearing it isn’t going to be a run-of-the-mill holiday week. You’re taking steps towards your happiness and overall contentment. The cherry on top is that you’ll get to share it with the ones you love, whether near or far. Love knows no bounds. If there is someone across the state or country borders whom you share a heart-link with, this week they will feel that and intuitively understand it. This goes vice versa as well. You, or someone you care for, will inadvertently shout their love from the mountain tops. Even if it was never truly meant to reach the right ears or eyes, somehow, it will. And both your hearts will warm and glow. I’m feeling such familiarity and a sense of a home type of love in the heart. This is more than an infatuation. This is sweet, pure and nostalgic love. A word of caution: this also has the potential to stir up a little bit of trouble!


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Your Card: Temperance


Capricorn, you hesitate because you want to stay even keel — just in case it doesn’t work out. But sometimes, diving in isn’t the worst thing you can do. Yes, even if things don’t pan out. You have a lot more time and wiggle room than you think you do to make mistakes. The consequences aren’t as serious as you believe they’ll be. Take some chances now. And I’m hearing that if you’re EVER going to throw caution to the wind, this is the time to do it! You’re being watched over and guided. Consider the possibility that even if you try and “fail” that what you learn could end up becoming much more valuable and lead to something much more substantial in the scheme of things. You know where you hold yourself back, so try to loosen up and let it flow if only just for the week. It will ultimately do you a lot of good.




Your Card: Knight of Pentacles


You’re feeling held back a bit this week, Aquarius. You have so much to offer but there’s something that isn’t quite letting you move forward with your plans. Hold on to them for now. Put them in your back pocket even if just for another occasion. Don’t ruminate too much over this and convince yourself you aren’t giving enough in some way. In order to give, someone needs to be open to receiving. If they aren’t, there is no need to push it. This also isn’t a bad reflection on you. If they come around, you’ll be prepared. If not, consider it their loss. The reality is, we don’t all want or need the same things. For example, some people are very content with just being around a loved one, even if they aren’t directly interacting with one another. Simply being in the same room is enough intimacy. Others need a little more stimulation and adventure. Try not to take it personally either way.




Your Card: 8 of Pentacles


Working straight through the holidays this year, Pisces? This is smart of you right now, as long as you don’t burn yourself out. Be mindful about burning the candle at both ends. Playing hard does not equal a break, nor is it self-care. You are very into the “Work hard, play hard” mentality right now and while that is all well and good, you need to come up for air or it will catch up with you in a tough way. Be realistic about your limitations. You have all year to do some of the things you’re pressuring yourself to crunch into one week. There is no need. There’s always going to be a party. There’s always going to be more work for you. You need to get out of a lack of mindset and put yourself into an abundance mindset. Only then will you finally feel at ease.




Your Card: 7 of Cups


Aries, you are enveloped by a cloud of illusion right now… or is it reality? It could be hard to tell which is which. This week will either seem like your worst nightmares are coming to life or your most coveted dream. Keep reaching for that dream, but again, remember that not everything is as it seems. Change is afoot for you. And it is what is going to be necessary in order to attain the things you really want and which will fulfill you. Don’t let your emotions or the idea of potential cloud your judgment. If you aren’t convinced by now, it is time to move towards something with more solid tangibility. You’re dreaming big with the wrong partner. This could be in work or love, but I see you trying to make something fit the mold. You’re trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. You can keep struggling to force it, but it’s just not meant to fit.




Your Card: The Hermit


Taurus, so much information is coming to you now on the DL. You’ve got sources and they are singing like canaries! The best thing you can do now is collect as much intel as possible before jumping to any conclusions or making any decisive movements. Missing just one important detail could make all the difference in the way a situation needs to be treated. At the same token, let your informants come to you. It will be viewed as a kind of generosity on your part. You are the one now taking this feat on for others, rather than the one instigating. In some ways, you’ve been here before. Combine what you learned in the past with what you know in the present and be humble (or at least pretend to be) when presenting your findings.




Your Card: Page of Wands


You are ready and willing to move forward with something you’re really passionate about, Gemini. It isn’t quite established yet and I’m seeing a very in-and-out, here one day gone the next type of situation. You might be looking to make this a bit more stable and to add some permanence, but there is someone — most likely male or someone with masculine energy — who isn’t 100% on board with this at the moment. It isn’t to say they won’t come around, but right now they just don’t want to deal with the long-term risks involved with a full, solid commitment. It isn’t that they don’t believe in you or doubt your abilities, Gem, it is more so about the strings attached. They need to feel the freedom to detach if necessary. In this instance, you can still acquire much of what you want just as long as you decide to devote yourself. You may find down the line that you don’t end up needing them as much as you thought you did.



Cancer Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: 6 of Cups


A big gift awaits you dear Cancer! Santa and Hannukah Harry must have teamed up for this one. This is something that will well your heart and soul with such immense joy. You are the first one ready to give of yourself and you don’t always receive the appreciation or recognition you deserve in return. This week it comes to you in the most meaningful and heartfelt way. How you will be shown how much you are loved, may inspire you to never question your own kind nature again. Sometimes you wish you could be a little more savage, Cancer, but your sweetness is truly a unique and special quality. Not many can hold such a loving, genuine space in their hearts quite like you can. Learn to embrace this, rather than try to suppress it. All beings need to be nurtured in order to grow and this is one of your most special gifts.




Your Card: 5 of Pentacles


Did we go a little overboard this holiday season, Leo? I’m hearing that you spent, or are spending, in order to gain something you particularly deem much more valuable than your dollars. But, in order to feel like this was worth it, you’re going to need to see some results. Even if just a small token of gratitude comes along your way, you can be satisfied. But I’m not sure that I can guarantee that right now. I hear that it isn’t the fact that your lavish efforts or spending aren’t appreciated, it is more that whoever this was intended for doesn’t actually understand what you are doing it for them. They have some alternate ideas in their mind and it seems like they are prone to think you’ve done this for selfish reasons rather than noble ones. Be sure to make clear your intentions with this. Once those are seen and understood, you are much more likely to receive validation.




Your Card: Wheel of Fortune


This is a time where you will begin to recognize the clues to your next step, Virgo. Where to go and what to do from here? Pay attention. All the pieces of the puzzle are there — it’s just up to you to put them together. It is also your choice whether to pick up those pieces or not. You are free to move round and round in the same circle if you so decide. If that is not the path you want to travel down, it is time to get more mindful. I don’t mean daily meditation mindful — although that never hurts! I mean acting with purpose rather than letting things unfold. You have an opportunity to take control and start steering your life exactly where you want it to go. All you need to do is decide what you want and point yourself toward it.




Your Card: 8 of Wands


I am hearing something about being direct. This could be anywhere from making sure you book a direct flight on an upcoming trip, to being more straight forward in a current dealing. I see both, so it seems that some of you need to get somewhere as quickly and efficiently as possible. Others of you will need to focus on putting your indecision to the side and move forward emphatically, regardless of direction. It just has to be going in the way most conducive to your own growth. Don’t hesitate or second guess yourself. Whatever you start with, you must end with. No changes along the way. You need to establish respect and this is how you are going to do it. As far as traveling, or related, make sure you are taking the quickest, nonstop route. If not, you could get stuck in a sticky situation.



Scorpio Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: King of Pentacles


You got it all and more, Scorpio, the only problem you have is if you can’t recognize that. You are surrounded by all of the things you need. Worry less about what you want, if the neighbors’ grass is greener, and when you’ll get more. Counting your blessings this week will bring even more. It will open your eyes to the richness and beauty in front of you. The things you have that other people wish for, hope for, and dream of one day having. See your good fortune and share it freely with those you love and cherish. You’ll find that monetary things don’t have quite as much value or power as you were giving them.




Your Card: 6 of Swords


There is power in the number 3 for you this week, Sag. Whether you’re banding together with co-workers to quit your crappy job and embark on a new business venture, or your two closest pals are talking you off a ledge in a relationship, whatever is discussed and transpires through your unique union is something extremely special. It is not to be ignored or taken for granted. Hold on to these two for awhile. You are each bringing significant improvements into one another’s lives. It may not be immediately apparent, but in due time and with a keen investigative eye, it will all have seemed so obvious.

In this Article

2019 aquarius aries cancer capricorn gemini horoscope horoscopes leo libra pisces sagittarius scorpio tarot tarot card tarot reading Tarotscope Tarotscopes taurus virgo zodiac
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