Your Weekly Tarotscope for February 2 – February 8, 2020 Revealed

Theme of the Week: The Emperor It is up to you, and only you, this week to go out and get what you want

Photo: Labyrinthos

Photo: Labyrinthos

Theme of the Week: The Emperor

It is up to you, and only you, this week to go out and get what you want. We have the power firmly in our hands. There is a saying, “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” This week, that proclamation rings particularly true. Create a strategy, summon up the courage, and go for it. Don’t wait on anyone else to help you or make the first move. And don’t get lazy. If you never try, you’ll never know. If you initiate and then turn around mid-process, there may be a steep price to pay in the long-run. So before you even begin, make a full commitment to yourself to follow through, no matter what. The outcome will bring with it a golden reward.




Your Card: The Lovers


You’re waiting to get your hands firmly grasped around a dream, Aquarius. It feels so close, yet so far away right now. It is just outside of your reach, but there is something keeping you connected. I do see that you have a choice here though, and much will depend on what you decide to do. Don’t try to rush anything. It is important to have patience in this instance. Even if you try to do something to expedite this process, you’re going to have to wait in some way, shape, or form, regardless. So it is better to go through due process and have everything done right the first time, rather than risk an issue coming up later on down the road, which you will have to then rectify.



Tarotscope HIpLatina Pieces

Your Card: 10 of Pentacles


I see a happy and pure-minded person, a passionate person, and a wise one. Which one are you? While the one who is passionate is trying to influence the so-called “happy-go-lucky” one, the wise one keeps to themselves and knows better. This could involve influences around you at home or at work — someplace you spend a lot of time. But, I’m also hearing that for some of you, this might actually be different sides of your personality and your feelings in a certain situation right now. You may be conflicted about how you should treat the situation or how you should perceive it, but there isn’t anything that says this needs to be treated in only one, specific way. You can use all these different facets of your personality, or your thinking, to your advantage. In your “wise” mind, consider your resources first, then take it from there.wp_*posts


Aries Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: Death


Annie sang, “The sun will come out tomorrow…” And although you may be going through an uncomfortable change right now, consider the potential positive impact this can have on your future. I am seeing that it definitely will. Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now, changes are the hinges of our lives. In order to get what you’ve never gotten, you have to do what you’ve never done. You have to get outside of your comfort zone. And at times, we must be forced outside of it.  Something big is coming — if it isn’t already here — and at first it might seem somewhat disastrous, or as if it is ruining something. But in reality, it is paving the way for something greater. Your road is being opened.




Your Card: King of Swords


It’s as if you don’t trust yourself, Taurus. Thoughts will come into your mind and I’m seeing you psychoanalyze, overanalyze, and just rip it to shreds. Rather than second-guessing every minutae of an idea that pops into your mind, you need to figure out why you aren’t trusting yourself right now. There is something going on that is much deeper here, and you can’t live the rest of your life not being able to make your own decisions. Or, at least, without feeling confident in your decisions. I see that there was a recent development that has changed things for you. It’s altered your perception and now it seems as if you can’t distinguish what is real vs. what isn’t. For some of you, I want to say this has to do with a belief system. It is imperative that you carve the time out to sort this through in order to move through the rest of your life with self-assurance.




Your Card: The Moon


You may not know it’s next but you need to keep moving forward anyway, Gemini. Trust your instincts because they are on point right now, even if they don’t make sense. You’re having a hard time seeing clearly and that’s making you a little bit hesitant, but you have the courage within you to wade through the fog. Use the skills you have and what you currently know to help navigate you through, until you can see the bigger, clearer picture. I’m seeing that you have resources available to you, but you aren’t aware of how to use them yet. Sometimes you just have to throw s— against the wall and see what sticks. I’m hearing that that’s actually the perfect approach for you, right now. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, even if you don’t feel 100% ready.



Cancer Tarotscope HIpLatina

Your Card: 3 of Cups


It’s been said, “Two’s a party, but three’s a crowd.” There is a little bit of sneaky behavior going on, Cancer. This definitely concerns two other people in particular. I’m seeing one really naïve person just having a great time and enjoying things. On the other hand, the other two are being a little bit more conniving. They all seem to be having fun, but two of the three have a personal agenda. Now, I don’t have a clear sense of which role you play in this situation, Cancer. It may be different for each of you reading this. One person is playing smart, another is being led by passion, but also the fear of letting go of something, and the other is just going with their natural inclinations. Now, understand that I don’t see that any of these people have ill-will towards each other. This stems much more so from self-protection. It’s as if everyone is scared to lose if they put themselves out there completely and unabashedly (with the exception of the third party). I’m hearing that if you’re one of the people that is feeling a bit fearful, you may regret not having let go. Try opening yourself up just a little more than you feel inclined to and see what you get back.




Your Card: The World


What are you doing with your life, Leo? Your pull this week reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from The Bell Jar, by Sylvia Plath. “I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor… and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn’t quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn’t make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.” You have so many aspirations, desires, and so much passion for life in this world that it’s making it practically impossible to focus on any one hobby, lover, or career. Don’t look at your options as choices that you need to make and therefore things that you need to give up. Rather, look at them in the way of priorities. What is most important to you? What do you want to invest more of your time into versus less of your time? Once you’ve sorted that out, you can truly begin to become a jack-of-all-trades, rather than a master of none.



Virgo Tarotscope HipLatina

Your Card: 9 of Swords


There is something that you just can’t stop thinking about Virgo. This has been weighing on your mind, heavily, for a while. You’re beating yourself up about this. So rather than sulk and dwell in this place of despair, why don’t you go out and do something about it? If you don’t take any action, how do you expect things to get any better in your situation? I’m seeing that part of the problem is you may be racking your brain trying to figure out exactly what action to take. You aren’t someone that typically leaps before they look. It does seem like you’re torn in some way. I see there being more to the story than meets the eye. I understand that this may be a hard decision for you, Virgo, but at the same token, if you continue to think and think and think, and not actually do, you’re still not moving past this. You’re not heading in any particular direction. You’re only torturing yourself. It’s going to get to the point where you either need to place a bet and take your chances, or cut your losses and move on with your life. The ball is in your court.




Your Card: Justice


A decision was made, a plan was set in motion, and now you must deal with the consequences of those actions, Libra. I don’t mean that to sound frightening. The consequences aren’t necessarily something that’s going to be detrimental to you, or unwelcome. But they will put everything back into balance. It looks like there’s going to be some give-and-take happening. You may have to concede in some way but at the same time, there will have to be a concession on another’s part as well. I’m hearing that you will see this as fair, and therefore won’t mind quite as much as the other party will. Some people just want and expect things their way. But this ain’t Burger King, honey. I’m hearing that a small piece of you may be entertained by their displeasure because it is so rare that they are forced to compromise. Enjoy your moment, then move on to more important things.




Your Card: 9 Wands


I’m seeing that you’re not quite sure if your efforts are being invested in the right places, Scorpio. But it also looks like you’re trying to insert yourself in too many places at once. This is why nothing, in particular, seems to be taking off. While dividing and conquering seem like a good idea, in theory, you really need to be more focused. Once you pinpoint your efforts, it will enable you to do those few things well, rather than doing taking on many things in a mediocre fashion. The only question that remains is which things should you put more time into, and which should you put down? In order to make that assessment, you will have to go through everything one by one and see what is (even in its own small way) working for you already. Those are the projects with growth potential.




Your Card: Ace of Wands


I’m seeing you bursting full of new life and new energy, Sag. Something has gotten into you. You’ve been bitten! (Hopefully not by a Coronavirus mosquito.) It’s as if all a sudden you have this new zest for life and you’re ready to go get it! You’re ready to grab life by the b—- and “Just do it!” All of these new ideas and possibilities are flooding your head and flowing through your body. USE THIS ENERGY NOW, WHILE YOU HAVE IT. I’m hearing that with major exclamation marks and in all caps. Don’t waste this gift that you have right now. Let it overcome you,  let it overwhelm you, and squeeze it for all it’s worth. This energy is putting you on track. It is leading to something far and wide beyond this moment in time. Let it lead you.




Your Card: 3 of Wands


“On to the next one” Cap. Or, others of you might prefer, ‘Thank you, next.” Either way, you get the idea. It’s time to pack up and roll out. You’ve been thinking about it for a while now, and Aquarius season is giving you just enough of the detachment you need to peace out and take those long-awaited first steps into the unknown. There is so much ahead of you, and you will very soon wonder why you even waited this long to set out on your journey. What was there to be so afraid of? The scariest things reside in our own heads, Cap. Reality is nowhere near as stressful as we decide to make it. Get out of your head, stay out of it, and start making your dreams (not your nightmares) a reality.

In this Article

aquarius aries bruja brujeria cancer candles capricorn essential oils full moon gemini horoscope leo libra new moon palo santo pisces psychic sage sagittarius scorpio tarot tarot cards tarot reader tarot reading Tarotscope taurus virgo zodiac
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